WELCOME TO CHARITY HUB TEMPLATE Charity Hub is a template designed for charity foundation that want to show all causes and offer a complete single cause design page. The single cause page contains all the information that the charity foundation needs to communicate to their donors and there is a donate system. This Charity Hub template also includes a lot of prices layout,services page, contact, shop and lots of components. UPDATES: 1.0 - Initial Version CREDITS: - NicDark Team ( nicdarkthemes.com ) - Support Team ( support.cleanthemes.net )... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/29/2022
I purchase this theme yesterday only to discover that is missing many things.
They are suppose to be four items but is only 3
All files & documentation
License certificate & purchase code (PDF)
License certificate & purchase code (text)
The zip file that am to upload is missing
Installable WordPress file only is not available on the drop down
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