Modern Hotel Website Template Jasper Hotel is a highly customisable website template for hotels, resorts and other accommodation providers. Included are a range of page templates for you to easily build your own hotel website. Template Features Multiple styles \u0026amp; layouts – This template is super easy to customise. Select your favorite layout then easily change colours and background images. Try out the style switcher in the demo to see the included styles, which can be modified to match your brand. Easy to build page sections – There’s so much to choose from. Use one of the pre-built page templates, or easily create your own using the styled sections. Functional booking form – Sends a booking request email to the hotel and guest,... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
fb0ae385-8bf3-45fa-82a4-8ff1ba1461fb – If you could please advise on the query I sent 19 days ago – that would be great. I appreciate it was just before Christmas. Thanks

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hi there.
I’m not getting the form working.
Already replace de email, and nothing
$hotel_email = “[email protected]”;

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Presumably I have to set-up an external system(script) for the search facility on the template? What do you recommend that would do an internal website search only and that would not clash with the current template settings, please?
Thanks in advance.
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Review Left On 04/20/2022
fb0ae385-8bf3-45fa-82a4-8ff1ba1461fbStill no reply? Would appreciate some repsonse – particularily as I did pay for support? Following from some feedback from a web designer – is there any way the Hamburger menu can include full dropdown as per the main nav menu thereby reducing the number of items on it?

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hopefully this will be the final query!
Subscribe Form – I cannot fathom how to get this to work.
Any advise please?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi – Am trying to upload a couple of pages on my addon domain for testing. Either getting blank pages or a whole load of gobbledegook! My hoster cannot help and suggests something wrong with the template ( am sure that is rubbish!). However, I have uploaded your index.html page ( unaltered by me) and that doesn’t load either. Any suggestions please?

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hopefully this will be the last ( as well as the above unanswered ones). Completing the French version of my website.1) I preferably need a french calendar – duly downloaded from github. How do you reference this calendar on the html page?
2) On the forms, if a field is left blamk a boxed message pops up “Please fill in this field” – have searched everywhere but cannot find this in order to translate it. Thanks – sure it will be a lot warmer with you than here at the moment! Cheers Anne

Review Left On 05/06/2022
fb0ae385-8bf3-45fa-82a4-8ff1ba1461fb Me again!! Have had some feedback on the trial site and the white navigation arrows on the thumbnail slidewshows are really difficult to see. Have fiddled with the iconions css with size/bold etc – but no changes. Really would like the arrows bigger and, perhaps darker? Couldyou advise please? By the way I did a workaround for the subscribe which seems to be ok and once I launch fully at the weekend I will obviously rate your template. Cheers Anne

Review Left On 06/08/2022
hi nice work!
please i need the plugins.js file not compresed because i have this problem to fix
FeatherlightGallery: No compatible swipe library detected; one must be included before featherlightGallery for swipe motions to navigate the galleries.
please help me i cant make it work

Review Left On 06/20/2022
I have a problem, with Book Room on the home page, the data is sent to Book Accommodation, but when sending is always the ERROR, no children registered!
Also, the form must then be filled out again,
the data is lost, that’s not good !!!
Ask for help for a new code.
Thanks and greetings Günther

Review Left On 06/25/2022
Hi again – if you culd let me know how to deal with the icon arrows that would be great. WEbsite launched now. Cheers And Merry Christmas Anne

Review Left On 08/25/2022
d78d964d-9083-4bb5-a3e1-ecb43e158d61 – 12 ott 2018
Good morning
I need help with customization, I need to connect the quick reservation,

Review Left On 08/26/2022
Am about to complete work on the new website. The google map does not function – the error is –
This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.
Can’t really put the site up live until this actually functions.
Apparently, Google Maps altered scripts back in July. Can you please send on the new version as soon as possible,please?
Haven’t heard back about search facility either.

Review Left On 09/01/2022
I found the mistake, thank you right now you do not need to do anything.
Greetings Günther