Gerlong - Responsive One & Multi Page Portfolio Theme
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Gerlong is responsive creative portfolio WordPress Theme with clean,bold,modern and elegant design.It can be used for creative digital agent or even personal/freelancer to show portfolios and selling services. Its build based on twitter bootstrap ,so it has powerfull features. Features: Fully Customizable. You can edit or create your own layout almost on every page/element. One-page \u0026amp; Multi-pages style Build for agency or personal use Drag \u0026amp; drop Page Builder Prebuilt Layout/Template Custom Elements for Page Builder Predefined Header \u0026amp; Footer and Custom Header \u0026amp; Custom Footer. Build your own header/footer using the page builder. Different single portfolio style and custom singl... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hi there,
I looove your theme gerlong!
However, I am having trouble adding my custom footer. Can you please help.
Thank you so much!

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi there,
Support only included for themeforest buyer, and it is not included in envato element
If you need support, please use the account that bought this theme in themeforest.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
I really like the video onepage demo, if I buy the theme you can have the demo included with videos and photos as you show?
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Review Left On 04/16/2022
Love the theme! However, how do you turn off the “return to top” button that appears in the lower right? Thanks!

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Anyone else finding that the 2nd slider will flash halfway into the slide and seemingly repeat?

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hello, I am having issues trying to change the border that is at the bottom of the homepage slider.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
One of the required themes (OptionTree) doesn’t install – an error comes up: Something went wrong with the plugin API. I can’t find the publisher for this plugin and cannot install the demo content as this is a required theme. Can you paste the plugin author site/page, please? Thanks

Review Left On 05/31/2022
I honeslty just came here to vent. Why only give support in regards to issues that you have HARD CODED into your theme and then offer it on Envato Elements with no documentation elsewhere to fix the problem. It’s pointless I have spent 5! days trying to figure out how to change the SRC on the custom logo image you have place in your home page to no avail ( because I cant even locate the file which is populating the page to adjust it ) I have gone so far now as to try to write a script to reload the logo with my logo src…. This type of value is unappreciated And if I wasnt a fan of the rest of the theme and its layout i would have changed already. Im possibly going to change the theme today if I cannot have this issue fixed because I have wasted precious time on something that should have been SIMPLE. Please consider amending this issue for others so that their time is not wasted.