Newspoint - News, Magazine & Blogging HTML Template
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Newspoint is a modern way of publishing your articles. Good for large magazines newspapers and blogs as well. Newspoint is super fast and uses lazy-load technique, so the content is loaded only when needed. Use Newspoint for many catgories, such as innovations, technologies, politics, business and any world news. We optimize all the code, so it loads much faster than other templates. This HTML5 template based on the latest Bootstrap 4 framework and it’s fully 100% responsive. Organized latest files will help you to customize the look of your website. A lots of pages are includes in this template Try Newspoint HTML today and build your perfect magazine.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Help!! I bought this template not knowing it does’t work for WordPress. I am at loss at what to do. Please help me out

Review Left On 05/01/2022
You purchased template, but when you install appears this message
(( Error parsing XML, line 25, column 3: The element type “meta” must be terminated by the matching end-tag ”” ))
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