Luxury Simple Restaurant Parallax Full Screen One page Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Template Design
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Luxury Simple Restaurant Parallax Full Screen One page Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Template Luxury Simple Restaurant Parallax Full Screen One page Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Template is a HTML5 one full screen page template, best suited for small Business and Portfolio sites, especially for Restaurant websites. jQuery will load your page automatically without any refresh. Your company not have a lot of information? You are in correct theme, because our theme will allow to you represent your company with luxury quality and good typography with using not much text. Client will easily remind information and your site look, so they will be back easier. Theme Features Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 done by professionals, 0 W3 errors, warning, highest... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
there aren’t these buttons in any scenario: full screen, automatic playback, share on social networks.
There are prev/next arrows, close button and indicator which image of whole gallery is active (top left corner).
You can zoom image in popup when image is bigger than your screen.
Please let me know if you are satisfy with the answer.

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hi, Can we get this theme in the white background instead of black & a blog details page?

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi again. Is it possible to load the page in a specific section from an external link? for example,
Thank you.
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Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hi, we detected that, resizing web browser, make the content dissapeas. Here is a video to prove it .
Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi. We have detected that in all the horizontal sliders, the arrow is off center in Firefox, while in Chrome it isn’t. Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 05/04/2022
The function of resizing the image in the gallery when it does pop up, doesn’t work, unless the window is resized, just like the controls; full screen, automatic playback, share on social networks. These controls don’t appear if you don’t resize the original size window. We await your response, thank you very much in advance, greetings

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi, the mail form is sending the mail, but I’m not getting any mail. From the hosting server they told me that the script needs to be written to use the hosting SMTP server on port 25 with valid mail from the domain and not to make SMTP authentication. Can you please help?

Review Left On 07/31/2022
Hi, must say this is an excellent theme! Really love it !!! For the project that I’m currently working I cant manage few things. Hope you can help me.
Original REVIEW section I turn it into NEWS section for my needs.
1. The arrows on FF are not in the place where they should be
2. What I need is: When i clik Read more button to call other HTML file (ex. news/news1.html) controling fancybox in parent window from inside an iframe for custom size and styling. Manage to do something (call the file in iframe) but whenever the iframe is loaded navigation arrows keep coming up to and I don’t need them. Can’t resize the window to smaller size.
Thanks in advance