Active Life - Chiropractors and Massage HTML Template with Visual Builder
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Responsive web template for chiropractor and manual therapist – Active Life Active Life is a bright, new HTML template for chiropractic and rehabilitation centers, manual therapists, health and wellness clinics. Combining all of the aspects needed for a successful website with a consideration of all the modern standards of the sphere and market, this template will be your best solution for a personal website. Its highly attractive appearance will be a real eye-catcher. Performed in light colors, the template still looks bright thanks to a creative solution in choosing the contrasts. But being appealing on the outside is not all that this template can boast with. It’s filling are quite functional as well. The... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
have you fixed Google map? Looks like it is not loading even in your preview template. When are you planning to fixit? Is there a workaround?

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hello there, I purchased the wrong theme, what I need is the WP version of it and willing to pay the difference, please advise. Thank you.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hi there
Im going to buy your Activelife template
Can I make a multilingual site with it?
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Review Left On 04/28/2022
Dear WPRollers,
Contact.html page google maps stopped working. Everything was working until recently it stopped working. Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
Thank you

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi there , I seem to be having issues with the contact form, It doesn’t seem to work and send the email to the actual email I set up can you help clarify what I am be missing, I followed the documentation but can’t seem to get it to work.

Review Left On 05/27/2022
First off great theme! Love it.
I have been having trouble setting up the contact form to properly email my gmail account. I got rid of the mailto per request of my SSL certificate and set up a php form that is called uppon form submission, but mail is not getting through. What is the best way to set up the contact form to work without giving me warnings about security with my SSL.

Review Left On 07/21/2022
i’d like to purchase Active Life – Chiropractors and Massage HTML Template.
But it is not clear how can the “order appointment” work.
We need that feature, at least the name, email, phone and message.
Can you please explain if it’s going to work, or if not, what needs to be done to get it working.

Review Left On 08/18/2022
Hi there
In the blog page….there is a div with a loadmore gif.
How does it works?
It show like it doesnt work

Review Left On 09/25/2022
The site is are you able to clarify why the email php isn’t working? I am unable to fix this issue.

Review Left On 09/30/2022
Hello there,
I purchased the wrong theme, what I need is the WP version of it and willing to pay the difference, please advise.
Thank you