Description MinberiMAG is a comprehensive HTML Template for widespread use. It will work good as a News Website or in categories like Fashion, Sport, Design, Tech, Technology, Travel, Politics Magazine, Showbiz, Videos or Blog. Contains everything you should include in magazine template. We have designed and developed very elegant and modern magazine template which is very easy to customize. We believe that our template will appreciate and become very functional site. Our Magazine Template includes all features that you need Bootstrap 4.x 8 Different versions Default version has 7 different home page layout 9 different single posts layouts More than 40 HTML5 file pages included (Forum pages, autor pages, categories, register page, underco... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
We have purchased this theme and have been waiting for 4 weeks for support.
We are seeing a few issues with the MinberiMAG Theme on
1.) The post slider and other places the formatting is not showing correctly and running the sentences together Vs what it looks like on the actual post…..
2.) The Featured Image does not use the Caption as defined in the post….
3.) The Read More is not working consistently… The Post slider there is no Read More Button like on some other sections.

Review Left On 04/11/2022
We just purchased this template. In the description it is said that it contains 8 Different versions. But the downloaded file (All file & Doc) just contains 5 different versions (tech, sport, politics, fashion and default). In the preview demo page there are : DEFAULT VERSION, POLITICS VERSION, SPORT VERSION, FASHION VERSION, TECH VERSION, CLASSIC BLOG VERSION, FOOD & DRINKS VERSION, TRAVEL VERSION (

Review Left On 05/29/2022
Just a quick note for anyone wanting this theme. The drop down menu does not toggle on/off on high resolution tablets that can show the desktop version of the menu. You might want to wait for an update or fix it yourself if you can. Specifically the sports demo, but the main demo works so the solution can probably be found there. Just wanted to make a note.
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