Benco is an elegant \u0026amp; responsive furniture WordPress theme. Pick your template and customize with many modules and features. Font and font style are clean and elegant. Product names and titles of modules are bold and black, highlight on white background. Header is small with icons of setting, search, topcart and Megamenu – where contains product categories. Expand your website with blog, testimonials, stores, and more. Layout is simple and beautiful. Product Tabs Slider shows featured categories and products as tab. Transition is smooth and flexible. All nice images you want to show on homepage are highlight in cms blocks. Blog \u0026amp; Testimonials creat relation between you – shop owners and customers and keep them via posts, testim... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/22/2022
I have now wasted a day and have installed this theme on 3 different servers with 3 different hosts and the results are the same with a few variations – the theme does not work – the moment you try any update the result always the same – OOPS! PAGE NOT BE FOUND
Sorry but the page you are looking for does not exist, have been removed, name changed or is temporarity unavailable.
I have upgraded PHP, I have refreshed Permalinks and adding to the frustration the Theme is build with WP Bakery but WP Bakery for some reason give way to Wordpress 5 – the result the biggest mess of all Themeforest themes ever – tried to get support but still waiting on that

Review Left On 05/22/2022
When trying to use one click import, I get this error:
“Sorry, there has been an error.
This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number”
I’ve added this line
”1.1 ”
/wp-content/themes/benco/road_importdata/data/all-content.xml with no use. I’ve tried with 1.2 version as well, no luck
On php.ini I have
memory_limit: 512M
upload_max_filesize: 512M

Review Left On 07/01/2022
hi I’m having trouble with install required plugins when i select all and click install it says “Something went wrong with the plugin API.” how can i fix it?
NatureCircle - Organic Responsive PrestaShop Theme
Krypton Bitcoin & Crypto Currency HTML Template
Kiamo - Responsive Business Service WordPress Theme
Orio - A Creative Portfolio & Agency HTML Template
HelpGuru - A Self-Service Knowledge Base WordPress Theme

Review Left On 09/05/2022
hi im not sure if its a problem with the theme but there is html being displayed in my product description, any ideas?

Review Left On 09/20/2022
I install Benco and I would like to modify the “Valider ma commande” in Windows cart because of display button bug. Can you help me please. My website is