Orio - A Creative Portfolio & Agency HTML Template
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Key Features Video Support (youtube,vimeo + html5) Retina ready Unique Pagination Multiple Portfolio layouts Different Menu layouts Responsive Different Loading Animations Portfolio Load More \u0026amp; Infinity Load Social Media integration Extremely Customizable Smooth Animations Parallax Background Video Background Modern Layout Sortable Portfolio Well organised css Icon Fonts Portfolio Filter feature Pseudo Ajax Animations (on/off) Tons of Options and Features Lighbox included Cross Browser optimation Smooth User Experience Google map Clean Code Premium Support Images / Video Credits Unsplash Vifa Viacheslav Doroshenko Jihe Studio Yvonne Moser kkagency Zheming Zhou Daniel Lindqvist Dillon Chang Ave Studio Flamingopr... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi, It’s would my third template from you I have a question: can I make masonry or metro portfolio horizontal? (Like mvsm dot com) Thanks

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi Spab Rice, I seem to be having a problem with fonts for this template. It was always working fine until a few months ago and the fonts have stopped loading correctly. Do you know what has happened?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi, the first line of text on the demo landing page says “Orio is a creative worpress theme” (wordpress!) and as well the “seo name” client logos are missing from about-bigbold.html page. Otherwise, looks very nice.
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Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hey there, just purchased this theme and looks exactly for what Im looking for apart from the video part.
I need to remove the video on the hero section and just place a photograph of me instead with white BG, but I still need it to keep its style (full width, 100% vh etc) and still flow under the portfolio samples, like this:
By adding the “parallax-section” class, it removes the video however the width and height get smaller.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Dear Spab Rice, i just downloaded the ORIO HTML template. The filename of the folder is named Orio-1.0-HTML
It is my understanding that the latest version is 1.4.2
How does one update this latest version?
Thank you in advance.