Canabia - Medical Marijuana Dispensary HTML Template
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Website template for medical marijuana dispensary, clinic, pharma and cannabis farm – Canabia Marijuana is our latest HTML template created for medical recreational marijuana producers, marijuana dispensary, medical cannabis and weed shops’ website. Running a dispensary or medical marijuana shop can also be tricky enough, that is when this very template will come in handy! A bright design combined with a pretty high functionality potential equals a great tool to provide your business with a decent online presence! The template comes in light and dark color schemes, as well as boxed and wide layout variations. This marijuana web template is coded and designed to look good on every small screen and adapt to every resolut... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hello! We purchased this thinking we could use it for wordpress. Is there anyway we can use this with wordpress? Or at the very least get a refund.

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Does this theme support multiple languages. We have a plugin, that we would like to install WPML. Does it work on this theme?

Review Left On 04/14/2022
i thought it was wordpress theme and i have now only HTML markup ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
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Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hello yesterday I bought the website template and was wondering about setting it up on my website
Also I am wondering about adding information and images.
Is there a website admin builder?
Thank you,

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I need to add some jquery to my template and need to know how to use your code. I wanted to use the latest jQuery CDN with my project and keep running into issues with the compressed.js file in your repository. Can you help, i need to do some quick Jquery posts and getjson requests.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
So I purchased this and did not know that much when purchasing so I was wondering if i can use this on my shopify store?

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hey there…this is super awesome, but I’m totally a layman. How do I customize the site? Is there a program I can use, like any WYSIWYG program?

Review Left On 05/01/2022
how do i fix this?
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hello! Thanks for your interest.
This template is a set of regular static HTML files with no backend server side functionality.
PrestaShop version – is e theme for PrestaShop e-commerce CMS
Best regards!.

Review Left On 05/04/2022
I bought this theme thinking it was a woocommerce theme. Would it be possible to get a refund as it is not compatible?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
I have purchased the Canabia – Medical Marijuana Dispensary HTML Template.
The issue is that I can nat see the installable files. How could I install the theme?

Review Left On 05/19/2022
I want the wordpress version of this. Do I just click on the link for the conversion and buy that for $50 or do I have to buy the HTML and the Conversion?

Review Left On 06/10/2022
Hello, i noticed the images on the template aren’t available after purchasing it, is there anyway i could get them?. This would be really helpful, thanks.

Review Left On 06/20/2022
Hi! I just bought the theme, but I can’t installi it in my wordpress. Could you help me? Thanks

Review Left On 06/27/2022
I really like this template but my question is…...Does or could you add an admin panel and make it a complete script? If so please let me know.

Review Left On 07/12/2022
Hello! I like the template and I’m finding it pretty easy to modify the pages for my needs. One thing I don’t know how to do:
I am using the boxed layout style. When I scroll down the page, the nav bar, which floats down as I scroll, gets wider. It doesn’t keep the boxed style. Can you tell me what style I need to add to what element to get it to keep the same width as it floats down?
Thank you!

Review Left On 10/03/2022
Why does every comment ask if this is for Wordpress or why there are no stock images included with the theme? I’m looking for comments to better understand the product and all I get is a bunch of people who didn’t read the description before making the purchase. Put…the bong…down!