Cook Note – Food Recipes HTML Template With this template you’ll get There different layouts and multiple pages with adjustable elements to make your future site look unique. This template also includes Advanced UI Kit to make your website look more attractive and Extended Bootstrap Toolkit that offers nearly endless website customization possibilities. clean and beautiful website template for food related and responsive , modern and creative Food , recipe Food template will let you share all your recipes. Main Features Bootstrap v4.0 Sass Retina Ready Google Fonts Owl Slider Free Updates... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Hello there. I am impressed by your simplicity and styling of the theme and would love to use it for a project in the future. I’ve noticed, however, that there are plenty of stuff missing from your theme and would like to ask do you plan adding more features or the theme would be sold as it is?
For example, there is no option to add cooking time, prep time, recipe gallery, link to video, similar recipes, tips & tricks, servings and lots of others.
So what is the plan for the theme? P.S. feel free to reach me if interested to get more info about missing items etc.

Review Left On 07/09/2022
Good afternoon! Today i am buy your template “Cook Note”. Im rly love it but counts of rows in css is makes me confused. I know it’s adaptive like a
.padding-side-Npx {
padding-side: Npx; }
But im only writting my coursework and my professor will say what it’s bad
How i can maximally reduce css?
Btw thx and your template is awesome.
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