BiggMall Prestashop Responsive Theme is specially designed for electronics, computer, digital, fashion, mega store, lighting, autoparts, vegetables, lingerie, furniture, jwellery, cosmetic and flowers store. BiggMall Prestashop Theme is looking good with colors combination and layout. All sub pages are customized. It is very nice with its clean and professional look. Compatibility Prestashop Version : 1.7.2.x, 1.7.3.x, 1.7.4.x, 1.7.5.x, 1.7.6.x Features HTML5 and CSS3 Fully Responsive Theme Using Google Fonts Support Multiple Language No Core Modifications SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly Optimized for Fast Loading + CSS Sprite Unlimited Banners Blog Module Included Featured Products Module – Admin Options Latest... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
I’m having some problems with the theme after installation.
The homepage is not showing.
I only got 500 SERVER ERROR

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hello, is there any detailed explanation for theme modules emplacement on the front end of the website ? Thank you

Review Left On 04/24/2022
I want to purchase this theme but before that i want to confirm that, does it support Prestashop 1.7.4.x version ?
Decora - Shopify Multi-Purpose Responsive Theme
Praca Cerja Consultancy PSD Template
Educef - LMS HTML Template
Elisyam - Web App & Admin Dashboard Template
Devon - Model Agency Directory HTML Theme

Review Left On 04/25/2022
hi we started new website and root domain show this error what is reason???
1/1 ContextErrorException in tm_categoryslider.php line 483: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
in tm_categoryslider.php line 483
at ErrorHandler->handleError('2', 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()', '/home/h86625/domains/', '483', array('hookName' => 'displayHome', 'configuration' => array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart)), 'id_lang' => '1', 'id_shop' => '1', 'config_values' => array('TM_CATE_SLIDER_LIST' => array('3', '4', '5', '6'), 'TM_CATE_SLIDER' => '0', 'TM_CATE_NBR' => '5', 'category_id' => false), 'arrayCategory' => array(), 'categoryimg' => '', 'catnb' => '5', 'id' => '3', 'category' => object(Category), 'child_cate' => array(), 'categoryids' => array(), 'result' => false, 'assembler' => object(ProductAssembler), 'presenterFactory' => object(ProductPresenterFactory), 'presentationSettings' => object(ProductPresentationSettings), 'presenter' => object(ProductListingPresenter), 'products_for_template' => array())) in tm_categoryslider.php line 483
at Tm_Categoryslider->getWidgetVariables('displayHome', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart))) in tm_categoryslider.php line 445
at Tm_Categoryslider->renderWidget('displayHome', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart))) in Hook.php line 929
at HookCore::coreRenderWidget(object(Tm_Categoryslider), 'displayHome', array('cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart))) in Hook.php line 881
at HookCore::exec('displayHome') in IndexController.php line 39
at IndexControllerCore->initContent() in Controller.php line 253
at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 428
at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi there ! Does this template is still supported and compatible with current Prestashop versions? Thanks you!

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi! I recently buy this theme, but I can’t install. The error says “This theme is not valid for PrestaShop 1.7”. I have Prestashop version. What can I do?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Same 500 error server here… Followed installation guide and classic theme works fine! How long does it take before you get answer on a ticket? Made a ticket #3556