Crypcash - ICO, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Landing page
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Crypcash is a powerful Responsive modern and elegant crypto currency html5 landing page. Crypcash is fully responsive and looks stunning. CrypCash is created for ICO Agency, Bitcoin, Mining and all kind of digital Crypto Currency investment website. Its Included all the necessary benefits and features that perfectly fit for ICO Agencies, Blockchain technology Consulting and all type of Crypto Currency Agency with better ui and ux. Crypcash a perfect choice for your Crypto business. Users will love Your site because it gives them a unique user experience(UX) and User Interface (UI). HTML files are well organized and named accordingly so its very easy to change any and all of the design. Template Features: 8 Unique HTML5 Files I... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
In preloader.js there is code:
function pageload(){var e=(new Date).getTime(),t=(e-before)/1e3,n=document.getElementById(
but “before” is not defined
line 4, col 53

Review Left On 05/02/2022
i need to ask about the slider-logo , how can i make it moves as the demo?.
secondly: i want to add bitcoin crypto and currency widget , ( ) is it compatible with the theme ?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hello ,
Can i get all the illustration of this design ? If i buy this product.Actually your design and illustration both are awesome.
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Review Left On 06/10/2022
Hi, Can I ask, Is there any way to edit or change the source code to wordpress, or any way to use this source code to customize my websitea without using editor ?

Review Left On 06/15/2022
Hi! I would like to know if i can edit this this landingpage with a pagebuilder plugin on wordpress? Or, the only way to edit this landig page is editing the html/css/etc. code? Thanks!