DONA - Creative Multi-Purpose Parallax WordPress Theme
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DONA is a Creative Multi-Purpose Parallax WordPress Theme for creative agency/corporate/business websites and other businesses. It’s a fresh and clean design. It’s a 100% bootstrap responsive design and compatible with all major browsers, tablets and phones. You can easily change the text, color, images etc. PLEASE HAVE A LOOK AT OUR DONA THEME FEATURES! EASY INSTALLATION PROCESS Installation process is very easy. We have given the documentation. So that, you can easily install and use it. 1 CLICK DEMO INSTALLATION You can Install demo data by using a single click. That’s it! NO CODING KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED You don’t need to have strong coding knowledge to use our theme. You can easily control it by using our theme admin panel.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hi I am getting “Error: Internal Server Error (500)” while importing demo contents. Please check :
Please suggest how to solve it so that I can get the demo imported properly.

Review Left On 04/12/2022
I have seen all the tutorial videos and I have read all the questions in the support forum. I can’t find a way to get rid of the “We Create We Build!” page.
I can configure the structure of the web, but not the content of each page.
In addition, the WPBakery Page Builder plugin shows me a message that it is deactivated and that DONA technical support must update my license to be able to use it.
If I can’t change the content of the pages, this theme results obsolete for me. In this case, I would like to claim the money back guarantee, please.
Thanks in advance.
Purchase code: 42021d11-f5ed-4366-b41c-e4ebede20e9f

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Would you ever update this theme? Several WordPress updates have passed since 2019 and the log doesn’t indicate any update pass that date.
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Review Left On 04/14/2022
Second piece of SHIT theme I have bought in two damn days!!!!!! Tell me how to get rid of that stupid ass shit “We Create We Build!”

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hello, i cannot change this: even after changing the Slide/Video text. Also, the social media in the footer cannot add more, button is not working. Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
I have download and install Dona theme on my website, but I got this error message
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dona_theme_support/admin/lib/ReduxCore/inc/class.redux_filesystem.php on line 24
please help me to fix it.
thank you

Review Left On 04/20/2022
After I activated the theme, what show on my website is not the same with the picture on documentation.
And for some reason I am stuck at “import demo data” part where it just keep loading and loading.
I already read our given document and write to your contact support, so don’t bother to tell me that.
Really need help from the author.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi, I have download and install Dona theme on my website, but I got this error message.
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/mdartco1/domains/ on line 24
Please, help me. I sent mail on [email protected] but I didn’t still receve answer.

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi, I have download and install Dona theme on my website, but I got this error message.
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/mdartco1/domains/ on line 24
Please, help me.
I sent mail on [email protected] but I didn’t still receve answer.

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Sir, please read our given document to install and use it perfectly. otherwise, you have to take help from anyone who can use it or you can contact with our support team through email at [email protected]

Review Left On 05/03/2022
the Demo Import is not installed
this he writes Import Failed Error: error (500)
I have read the installation instructions!!!
why is this happening?

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hi There,
I have purchased the DONA theme and am having some issues with installing the Demo content. The Theme was installed fine along with the required plugins. But when trying to Import the Demo content, the cogs just keep spinning. I left the site for over an hour and nothing happened. No pages, no media etc was imported. Am i doing something wrong? I followed the documentation.

Review Left On 06/26/2022
I purchased your theme but I’m having problems to upload it to my Wordpress. When I try to upload the zip file nothing happens and the Wordpress Pannel redirects me directly to the Dashboard.

Review Left On 07/08/2022
Hi there,
I can’t even pass through the installation stage right now.
1. After I activate the theme, what show on my page are not the same as what show on document ( there is no background image on the hero slide ).
2. I am stuck on the import demo data right now, because it just keep loading forever, already change quite a bit on the server side and it still stuck here.

Review Left On 08/26/2022
salve, non riesco a modificare il layout del mio tema.
appare come u blog e non come visto nell’anteprima del sito

Review Left On 09/19/2022
I have looked at a number of themeforest themes, both paid and free. Some are good and some are not. A handful are completely broken. This is one of those.
This is a particularly beautiful theme, so it grabbed my attention. I gave it a try on a test site and the demo loaded great. The documentation is also particularly well organized, although it’s probably copy-paste from a similar work by the author given that the template is not functional.
Once I started fiddling with the content, I discovered that there are a lot of bugs. The most egregious of these is the fact that in many instances, the images that you change in the content back end are not reflected because the code points to them incorrectly. You change the image in the back end, but it keeps the original demo images on the front end. The only way to change images is at the file structure level. This is a dealbreaker.
I can see why this was chosen as a free offering and why the comments section is loaded with unhappy customers. This theme is not viable in its current form. It should be removed from themeforest until the author completes this build.
I currently have multiple sites running using themeforest themes, including Rabbit and Revity.
Both are excellent and Revity is particularly well optimized in code for fast and smooth loading. There’s a few oddities in there too, but nothing terminal.