Trustlife – Medical and Health Landing Page HTML Template Trustlife is the best landing page for Medical, Clinic, Dental and Health. This template comes with smooth animation, clean features, modern and unique design which make your website more beautiful with modern way. This template easily customizable, fully responsive and support all modern browser and device. Main Features : 7+ Home Pages 3+ Header Layouts Clean And Modern Design W3C Valid HTML File 100% Responsive Layout Bootstrap 4 Framework Custom Animation Effect Working PHP Contact Form Working PHP Appointment Form Mailchimp Functionality Added Easy to customize Cross Browser Compatibility Free Google Fonts SEO Friendly Code Cross Browser Compatibility RTL (Arabic, Hebrew, et... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/14/2022
I have downloaded all files but there is no PSD files included can you please tell me where can I get them ?

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hello Thememarch team
This is great job
but i have some question before i would buy it
1- in make an appointment section the select component doesn’t work in Mozilla Firefox browser (so can you solve this problem)
2- in live preview i didn’t find the component section !
where can i preview the component like checkbox or radio
Thank You

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hi. It says the template works in IE11, but the live demo for the default version won’t display in it. Thanks.
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Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi ,
I really liked your theme, but is it a parallax design? do you have inner pages for about us and other pages

Review Left On 05/27/2022
How can I Insert an Arabic font to edit the RTL page?
And how to edit and insert multiple locations in google maps?
How to change or remove the website loading blue circules?
Thank you

Review Left On 07/22/2022
Hi I have sent you several email regarding bugs, could you please reply as currently the website is not able to be used to its full capacity
Issue 1 – When using iPad Safari and you press in image to view in Gallery the screen flickers and is not usable.
Issue 2- With reduced screen size such as iPad and phone the contact details overlap the phone, marker and email icons.
Issue 3- The map works fine offline but once loaded live it is not visible and just a white blank space.
Issue 4 – On iPad Safari the Section separator does not go behind the navbar and is visible as it passes it.
Help would be appreciated

Review Left On 08/25/2022
Hi there, there is a problem in the RTL mobile version, the photo gallery is not working well! I think there is a a problem with the java scripts codes!
could you help me please it is urgent