Stribe App Landing page Template is a modern template clean and Responsive HTML5/CSS3 App landing page based on Bootstrap All files are clearly organised we believe it will be easy to use and edit them. This template is well organized and very easy to customize. you can check now the Stribe – App Landing Page WordPress Theme Main Features : Fully Responsive Design Modern \u0026amp; Elegant Design HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Bootstrap v3.3.7 Mailchimp Integrated Elegant icon font Used Easy Customization File included HTML Files Supporting CSS, JS files Documentation in HTML Source \u0026amp; Credits jQuery Bootstrap Elegant icon Magnific POPUP OWL Carousel AjaxChimp WOW.JS Modernizr jquery.scrollUp.min jquery.easing Fonts... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi Can you provide additional customization support (paid work) not on the structure but on color changing ? thanks
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