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Webox is a responsive HTML5 template best suitable for creative, corporate, portfolio, startups or other similar business. Webox will help you to make any website like corporate, financial, professional, agency or other business very easily as it has been coded in latest Bootstrap4 with wide range of flexibility. This template comes with 50+ unique HTML templates with one page, multi-page, RTL version, multiple navigation styles and 75+ HTML block elements . All standalone pages such as About, Team, Services, Blog , Testimonials, Shop, FAQ, 404 or others essentials pages are included. Webox is super responsive to all of the devices and will suite the startups specially. Google Fonts Used: Poppins https://fonts.google.com/spe... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Exacto .. viendo el error que tuve habría la posibilidad de reembolsar el dinero para que me vendieran este que es similar pero que si es de WordPress https://themeforest.net/item/wexim-creative-wordpress-theme/24319201 y pagaría el excedente.

Review Left On 05/31/2022
Hola…. me gusto demasiado el template, el problema es que al momento de instalarlo en wordpress no me deja, dice un mensaje que ha caducado. ya lo compre y deseo trabajarlo lo mas rápido posible.

Review Left On 07/19/2022
Hi, this template works great so far. While I am working on it, I would like to disable the right click protection that seems to be in the theme. Where can I go to temporarily disable that feature while i troubleshoot the theme?
Materialart Powerful Material Admin Template
LocaMart - Universal Gadgets Store Responsive Shopify Theme
Builtron - One Page HTML Bootstrap4 Template
Karizma - Modern vCard / Resume / CV / Portfolio
Hosthub - Responsive Hosting & Corporate Template

Review Left On 08/26/2022
Ya me registre en la pagina de soporte y estoy llenando los datos del ticket completamente y me sale el siguiente error ERROR-400-rest_comment_content_invalid. contenido de comentario no valido.
Por favor necesito soporte lo mas pronto posible.

Review Left On 09/10/2022
Hola disculpa, acabe de comentar acerca de la subida a wordpress pero me di cuenta que no es una plantilla compatible con Worpress habría alguna manera de que me hagas un reembolso del dinero. ya que simplemente no podre usarlo. perdón el inconveniente soy algo nueva en esto y me confundí con el logo de wordpress que salía abajo.

Review Left On 09/15/2022

Once my mistake was pointed out to me, I wanted to fix my previous rating. As an html template this template is good. I was in a section I thought was for Wordpress themes but somehow this template came up.