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WordPress 5 Ready! Build a successful Life Coach website including testimonials, events calendar, team members, podcast, videos and e-commerce! Theme Demos: Our Happy Customers Video manuals: Download PSD files Free Bonus Contents The perfect Life Coach and Business School WordPress Theme A complete WordPress Theme for any Life Coach or Business Coach website including all the tools you need. It’s a fully responsive HTML5 and CSS3 template based on the Material Design guidelines to guarantee the maximum usability and accessibility. This powerful Life Coaching WordPress Theme features tons of flexible and interactive elements such as slideshow, carousels, testimo... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I purchased this theme a year ago and designed it on the main theme. Will I lose all my customizations with this new update? The website is only showing the main page and all the other pages are there and can be updated on the backend of Wordpress and the design work is there, however all the other pages are black on the front end of the website. diamonddynastyconsultant.com Please advises I can get the website back up and running.

Review Left On 04/10/2022

although the theme LOOKS good, it is not easy to work with.The developers said they have PURPOSELY disabled the frontend of Visual composer.That makes it much more difficult and time consuming than necessary, especially as compared to other themes that provide the full features of VisualComposer.At times gets finicky if you try to customize as well.know this before you buy.

Review Left On 04/13/2022
I would be interested in buying your theme but noticed in the demo that some elements like event slideshow and testimonials look strange on mobile (iPhone). Testimonials look stuck and event slideshow show only text.
Can you give me some infos regarding this strange behaviors ?
dMuse All in One Muse Template
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Ncase - One Page Multipurpose Responsive HTML Template

Review Left On 04/18/2022

Hi, these theme is beautyful and customizable almost 100%. But the Event Carrussel does not work at all. I have tryed many times with no good result.

Review Left On 04/22/2022

What's great about this theme is not just how good it looks and how easy it is to use. For me the best part has been the genuine authenticity from customer support - as a non-professional amateur web designer, "customer support is vitally important" and these guys did not let me down. Their advise and support has been fast, fabulous, to the extent of "going the extra mile"Thanks guys I appreciate both your design skills and service support.Thank you -This theme is excellent value for money.Dave M

Review Left On 04/24/2022

This is truly one of the better themes in the market place. Not one single issue, fast loading and easy to customize. Great Job!

Review Left On 04/27/2022

Great support when I ran into issues with the theme. Customization was a bit limited but overall the project I used this theme for turned out great!

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hello. I ve just purchased the theme. The main problem is that the first letters on the first HERO block are somehow cut. For example, instead of “Release your full potential” (which is cut as well) if I wright Strategic Intervention Coaching, The first letters, espetially the letters S and C are very much cut, which is problematic to continue with. Please, let me know how to fix it!

Review Left On 05/03/2022

Great support. They care about you and responses are quick and precise. Very easy to use. I recommend it

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello can you help me? I have problem with my header on mobile menu.
When i visit the site in some mobile devices show like this and for some other after a few seconds and scrolling down it fixed.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
hi is your theme wpml compliant? we need to use the wpml plugin to add translation of two languages. Also, upon updating your theme to the latest version, the services, testimonials, blogs are not lading + a few colours have changes e.g the buttons. There seems to be the issue with your latest update and wordpress?

Review Left On 06/08/2022
Hi, after update and child-theme activation, Footer Text in Customizer-> Footer Customization not supporting html, I’m trying to set a link TEXT but when I publish I get only TEXT, without link. Do you kno why?

Review Left On 06/30/2022
Very annoying that a single event does not include the time of the event in the details section. Only date, location, address, etc. exist. There is a count down timer but one has to manually figure in their head exactly when 3 days 5 hrs and 20 minutes is. I see the formula of: '.(($e['date']!='') ? ''.esc_attr__("Date","lifecoach").': '.esc_attr(date_i18n( get_option("date_format", "d M Y"), strtotime( get_post_meta($post->ID, "eventdate", true) ))).' ' : ''). for event date but have no idea of the code to use for Event time.

Review Left On 08/17/2022
Hello can you explain me how to fix this? I want to show arows fot the next and previous post not mobile phone and laptop.

Review Left On 08/27/2022

I love this theme, it provides me with so many options and the flexibility with the design is impressive. The support is first rate and in my experience whenever I have had a question they get back to me within 24 hours.

Review Left On 08/27/2022
Hello i need to buy support because my header have some errors. In order to buy support i have to buy the theme again? I just need help to fix one specific error.

Review Left On 08/29/2022
Hi there, after updating Wordpress version 4 months ago WP Bakery disappeared. I noticed here in the comments that seven months ago the same happened to a client of yours and your answer was that this issue will be fixed with Life coach theme update.
I have notification that a new version of this theme is available, and I’m trying to find a way of updating this theme but your instructions in the documentation (http://www.themes2go.xyz/manuals/lifecoach/knowledge-base/how-to-update-the-theme/) are confusing for me, they are not clear enough. i have envato market plugin… but there is no clear way of how to obtain API key and adding it in the setting page (which setting page, on my envato market profile???)

Review Left On 09/06/2022
Hi, with the latest wordpress update the links from the homepage no longer work. Do you know why? Could you please help me?

Review Left On 09/08/2022
I just bought this theme and the first problem i am having is that the demo-content wont install, the secound problem is that when trying to verify the purchase on your support website (http://www.themes2go.xyz/helpdesk) the verifications fails ?, so how can i get the demo content installed and how to verify ??