TheMAG - Highly Customizable Blog and Magazine Theme for Drupal
Reviews: 7 | Overal Rating: GoodExcellect | |
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TheMAG is a Drupal theme that lets you create a modern magazine website with ease. It is ideal for sites that want to rake in ad revenue or profit from content. This bestseller theme is perfect for blogging, journalism, or entertainment sites. TheMAG comes with lots of features and is fully compatible with Drupal Thunder distribution. It utilizes and extends the powerful and unique Drupal 8 Layout Builder that lets you create complex layouts and pages with few clicks. TheMAG Features Online Documentation Compatible with Drupal 8.x Compatible with Drupal Thunder Compatible with Drupal Commerce 2 Support all new Drupal 8 features Compatible with Drupal 8 Layout Builder Compatible with Page Manager, Panels and P... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022

Very good theme for my projects and very very excellent and friendly support. Especially for me as an drupal beginner the theme designer helps me more as i thought.

Review Left On 04/08/2022
PinkDexo, I´m also waiting for an response more than 25 days. Could you please help us with two warnings we get after installation? And where can we find the commerce modul?

Review Left On 04/11/2022

I tried to install this theme on a dry install several different ways that the documentation suggests. instructions are WRONG! The --existing-config is not a feature in Drush anymore. Trying to install van the install.php fails every time because Media module and Media_Entity modules no longer get along. I have posted the problem before and have not gotten any help.
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Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hello, I also want to know if an update is coming, more than 10 months have passed since the last update

Review Left On 04/21/2022

All around terrific theme from customization to the support offered by the theme creator! Well worth the $$$!

Review Left On 04/22/2022
2Miguelturra: I wanted, but now I am looking for a new theme with support. This template was the worst investition …

Review Left On 04/26/2022
I don’t find any arrogance in my comment – only statements which are clearly far too honest for some people to digest. However, you’re as entitled to disagree with me as anyone else.
1. Quality – the product is clearly of superior quality to a free theme which is why the majority of reviews appreciate the effort PinkDexo has put into the theme and its documentation which is outstanding.
2. The current version of The Mag is fully functional with the current version of Drupal when it’s updating by following the instructions Drupal itself gives to users of its cms which I included in my post (yes, PinkDexo might have released updated versions of the composer.json and composer.lock files but clearly he hasn’t – and who knows what his personal circumstances are, given that the entire world has been living with a major pandemic for over 18 months…)
3. Security issues typically arise in relation to Drupal core files and modules, rather than within themes, and the only module I have found to be incompatible with the current version of The Mag is the realname module which has had well-documented problems since the introduction of Drupal 8 (you just have to visit the module maintainer’s page on the Drupal website).
4. Similarly, although from my experience, PinkDexo has done his best to keep the theme up-to-date, the current version of the theme meets the requirements of the current Drupal release as long as you follow the Drupal update instructions or other (easily-found) advice on the Drupal website relating to using aliases to overcome incompatibilities for modules which have not yet been updated for Drupal 8/9 which is the approach PinkDexo adopted with this theme. Indeed, as you, yourself observe, there have been a ridiculous number of new releases across branches of Drupal in recent months and years – in addition to updates to common distributions such as Thunder (which I use) which has had 13 separate releases since May 2020 alone – so it’s hardly surprising PinkDexo hasn’t updated his theme following every such release.
You also appear to suggest you were buying a fully functional website that works straight out-of-the-box when you purchased the theme despite the theme’s documentation and even a reply from PinkDexo to a question about the demo data asked in this forum 7 months ago states clearly that the data is “a bunch of nodes, blocks, and menu items, made for demonstration purposes only”.
So, in precisely the same way as you are entitled to disagree with me, I disagree with you…

Review Left On 04/28/2022
#fmindustry What an arrogant comment you are making.
Apparently you have not understood the principle of marketplaces like Envato and Co.
If I want to code and put together a Drupal website myself, then I go to and download all the current components and start from scratch.
If I don’t want that, I’ll buy a premium theme on Themeforest or wherever.
And I can expect the following from a premium theme:
I can expect a product that is of superior quality to free themes.
I can expect a product which is designed with functionality in mind.
I can expect a product which avoids security issues.
I can expect a product which is typically updated on a regular basis to keep up with new versions of Drupal and its modules.
From 2017 to 2020 PinkDexo issued TheMag distributions with the new Drupal core and updated modules at least 5 times a year. But that ended on January 9th, 2021, although there have been numerous core and module updates in the meantime.
That is just unacceptable!
See the entries in the release list.
v4.4.0 (January 09, 2021)
Updated Drupal core and modules;
Updated Thunder core and modules;
v4.3.0 (September 28, 2020)
Updated core and modules;
v4.2.0 (July 28, 2020)
Drupal core updated to 9.0.2, as well as modules.
v4.1.1 (June 17, 2020)
Drupal core updated to 9.0.0, as well as modules to their latest versions.
v4.1.0 (May 27, 2020)
Drupal core updated to 8.8.6, as well as modules to their latest versions.
v4.0.3 (January 3, 2020)
Drupal core updated to 8.8.1, as well as modules to their latest versions.
v4.0.2 (December 15, 2019)
The Drupal core updated to 8.8.0, as well as modules to their latest versions.
v4.0.1 (September 10, 2019)
Drupal and modules updated to the latest versions.
v4.0.0 (July 9, 2019)
Updated core and modules to the latest version
v3.0.6 (May 7, 2019)
Update: Drupal core to 8.7 for new installs.
Update: Modules to the latest versions.
v3.0.5 (April 12, 2019)
Update: Drupal core to 8.6.14 for new installs.
Update: Modules to the latest versions.
v3.0.4 (March 19, 2019)
Update: Drupal core to 8.6.12 for new installs.
Update: Modules to the latest versions.
v3.0.3 (March 3, 2019)
Update: Drupal core to 8.6.10 for new installs
Update: Modules to the latest versions
v3.0.1 (February 6, 2019)
Update: Drupal core to 8.6.7 for new installs
Update: Modules to the latest versions
v3.0.0 (October 23, 2018)
Added support for Drupal Thunder distribution. The theme is now fully compatible with Thunder.
Added support for core Media module
v2.1.6 (September 20, 2018)
Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.6.1
Updated: Drupal modules to the latest version.
v2.1.5 (April 27, 2018)
Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.5.3
Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
v2.1.4 (April 1, 2018)
Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.5.1
Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
v2.1.3 (March 8, 2018)
Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.5.0
Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
v2.1.2 (January 15, 2018)
Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.4.4
Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
v2.1.1 (December 6, 2017)
Update: Drupal modules to the latest version.
v2.1 (November 20, 2017)
Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.4.2
Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
v2.0.3 (October 16, 2017)
Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.4
Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
v2.0.2 (July 23, 2017)
Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.3.5
Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.
v2.0.1 (July 2, 2017)
Updated: Drupal 8 core to 8.3.4
Updated: Drupal modules to latest version.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
This theme is completely outdated… Impossible to change language on site-install, lot’s of non-documented necessary changes to adapt composer in order to make an update. Themes realized by myself or freely downloaded are surely far more stable than this bullshit.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
With support dropped, I have a few questions for fellow theme owners:
does anyone out there have a full Mag installation with Commerce added, that I could maybe copy (or mimick your settings/modules etc and copy your database?
I don’t have the option to run Drush, so am left with an empty unstyled commerce end, and don’t know how to solve this
the we megamenu in Mag has a problem with the mobile menu.. I have several top level menu items that are s, in the mobile menu they do not open the submenu..
All help massively appreciated!

Review Left On 05/02/2022
I believe that all may not be too okay with PinkDexo, and in that case, he needs all our prayers whatever that might mean to any one of us. Last year was quite challenging and I nearly died of COVID-like illness but survived by a whisker! The steps stated by fmindustry will go a long way for those who are knowledgeable enough to follow the walkthrough.

Review Left On 05/04/2022

4 for handwork. Usage with Feeds&Tamper import-export, and step away from high loaded js frontend. Many many handworks needed from editor. With super lightweight editor's backend - will be 5*.

Review Left On 05/18/2022
PinkDexo I’ve installed themag theme, themag demo, themag layout builder in my drupal 9 ddev docker system. I followed the documentation of yours. However, I can’t see the layout option like the ones you’ve in the youtube video or in the documentation. Please help me with this.

Review Left On 05/26/2022
Hi Friends, did someone updated this Template alone without pinkdexo? I am still waiting for official update, but noone knows, if it happen …

Review Left On 06/08/2022

I have to say, Dejan is very professional coder with huge patience. He has good ideas how to solve your problems and is a very kind person as well.
Generally, this is the very good theme for Drupal 8, you just buy it definitely.

Review Left On 07/02/2022
PinkDexo you arguably have one of the best Drupal products in Themeforest but I’m afraid you could be picking who you respond to or not. As someone whose products/services are not specifically marketed to a particular geographic entity or racial stock (I am saying this because there’s no explicit declaration in your T&Cs that you don’t sell to or respond to people from certain regions or who look like this or like that), it’s astonishingly absurd to ignore both my private email and my public enquiries using this space. Your attitude speaks volume of how limited your understanding of human affairs are. You could be a brilliant coder but you have little respect for human persons in you. I am no longer interested in your response henceforth.

Review Left On 07/20/2022

I would also rate this five for customer support, and design quality. This is a very flexible theme that skillfully uses Drupal features like paragraphs to allow for flexible views. It's NOT a converted WordPress theme, as you often see, this is designed using Drupal modules and with Drupal structure in mind. I've been using it for some time now and am very happy with it and how I can make it mine It took a lot for me to start using it as I had all my body and file entities not in paragraphs, but with some research in Drupal forums and a lot of help from Pinkdexo I managed to convert things to work with paragraphs. I highly recommend this theme (and the eight version as well, which looks even better)

Review Left On 08/15/2022
PinkDexo, according to you, you stated that in support page of PinkDexo, that it is stated: “This author’s response time can be up to 10 business days.” Mine is well over 25 days right now. It’s well.

Review Left On 08/26/2022

Bellissimo tema altamente customizzabile, flessibile ed adattabile. Con moltissime opzioni per ottenere quello che si vuole, con un design elegante e moderno! :)

Review Left On 09/25/2022
Has anyone updated to Drupal 9.3? I’m having a lot of trouble with layout builder and sticky columns from module TheMAG Layouts

Review Left On 09/28/2022
There are a lot of comments being made about being unable to upgrade to the latest version of Drupal which suggest people aren’t visiting the Drupal documentation or shouldn’t be using Drupal at all but should be using Wordpress instead which is designed for amateurs rather than professional developers.
If you are unable to update your composer managed site (either Drupal or Thunder) then you should first check which modules are blocking the update by running composer prohibits drupal/core 9.2.7 (for the most recent version), and you will find the update is being blocked because an earlier version of drupal is required by the composer.lock or composer.json files. Basic information on updating Drupal sites can be found at
I have just updated The Mag to Drupal 9.2.7 so the theme is compatible (to answer the question asked immediately before my post).
The steps I took were something like the following (there might have been a second reference to an older version of Drupal in either the composer.lock or composer.json file so you will have to check each file carefully and change references accordingly). Also, you should back up your site before making any changes.
Steps that worked for me
(a) composer.lock file
Search for and find the “package”: “drupal/core” alias entry which is at the bottom of your composer.lock file and update the “version” entry to the most recent version of drupal. In my case, this now looks like:
"aliases": [
"package": "drupal/core",
"version": "", ++ change this line so it shows the most recent drupal version - currently 9.2.7 as shown on the left ++
"alias": "8.9.6",
"alias_normalized": ""
(b) composer.json file
Search for the drupal/core entry under “require” as 8.9.6 (your version may be different) and update it to the most recent version. My one now looks like this:
"require": {
"bower-asset/jquery-simple-color": "1.2",
"composer/installers": "1.2",
"custom-asset/spectrum": "1.8",
"cweagans/composer-patches": "1.6",
"drupal/color_field": "2.0",
"drupal/core": "9.2.7 as 8.9.6", ++ change this line so it shows the most recent drupal version - currently 9.2.7 as shown on the left ++
Then run “composer update—with-dependencies”
If composer reports it cannot apply the realname patch, install the latest (beta) version of the patch with composer by running composer require ‘drupal/realname:2.0@beta’ (visit the realname module page on the Drupal website for further information).
Then delete the reference to requiring the realname patch composer has told you it cannot apply from your composer.json file
And then try updating your site again by running “composer update—with-dependencies”.
During the update, if composer says realname has new/update configuration settings and asks if you want to keep the new changes or keep the old ones, keep the old ones/do not update to the new ones.
The upgrade should then complete without any issues.
It really isn’t very difficult and there are certainly no excuses for some of the nasty comments people are leaving about the theme’s author – at the end of the day, Drupal is designed for professional developers and if you don’t have the basic skills to use it or can’t be bothered to consult hundreds of forums which solve most problems on the Drupal website, then you’re better off using Wordpress which is perfect for babies!