REN - A Responsive, Flat and Full Featured Admin Template
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REN admin is a bootstrap 4 based fully responsive admin template. REN admin is based on a simple and modular design, which allows it to be easily customized. It comes with lots of reusable and beautiful UI elements, widgets and more features. This is the ideal template for your next dashboard or admin web app project. This Template Includes 1080+ HTML Pages REN admin dashboard works seamlessly on all major web browsers and devices. This is one of the best bootstrap admin templates available on Theme forest. This bootstrap admin template follows flat design guidelines which make it sleek, clean, intuitive and user-friendly. A Responsive Admin dashboard can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, proje... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Please ask to support. this is commented section. simple header color change. you can go to sidemenu.css line number 99 .app-header change 2 different colors { background-image: linear-gradient(110deg,#04A8FB 1%,#871faf 100%);}

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi, Is any possibility for multiple colors for header part (Header Background Colors)

Review Left On 09/05/2022
Your website is down was looking to preview some of your other work, will you be fixing soon?
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