Savemart | Multi-Vendor & Marketplace Prestashop 1.7 Theme ( Compatible JA Marketplace )
ThemeForest Rating | 3.67

Trendy Gradients in Web Design This year we have seen various multicoloured gradients with vibrant color palettes and irregular shapes with blur and distortion effects. Gradients are currently being used in many ways but the most characteristic, in terms of trends, is their use being extended to secondary elements within the composition, such as hovers, titles, elements, icons and more. Gradients have been trendy for a while now, they initially made a comeback in a conventional way in backgrounds and images. Spotify made them popular again by applying duotone gradients over photos as a characteristic element of the brand in its campaigns and microsites. Our designers have also applied duotone gradients to the Savemart Design, with... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi There, I have the same issues like diletec user already mentioned. It’s been 1 month and the demo is still buggy… all the bugs on mobile still present, so not sure about the quality. If you planning on fixing this great theme, can you give us some real estimate?

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Dear Developer, where is the installation & user manual?
How much is your price/hour for customize?
Can i add plugins to system?
Thank you!

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hello, how are you?
I really liked the theme, but I have some doubts that are:
1) Págiande Cart in Mobile has a bug where the quantity buttons come out behind the element, has it already been solved?
2) Product page, the button to add the product in the cart is above the product options, does that continual so?
This is the first e-commerce I see that the Add To Cart button is before corrers, size and quantity.
Apart from these observations the topic is the most responsive I have ever encountered.
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Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hi, can you tell me solutions for these issues… 1. Add to cart popup modal loads very slow – how to improve the speed 2. images thumbnail coulnt regenerate size.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hola, requiero el reembolso por este theme no me llegó a funcionar bien. Y perdí bastante tiempo tratando de solucionar. Y fue tarde la respuesta por parte de soporte. Ya compré otro que me funcionó a la perfección. He solicitado reembolso en mensajería interna pero no he recibido ninguna respuesta. Por favor, requiero cerrar este tema. Gracias.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
hello I sent you two emails the first one answered me but the second one I’m still waiting for, we can not change anything of the footer even though you told us to enter for pay manage there is nothing to change the footer, then we can not put the categories in the vertical emnu you have to do it manually you can not put it automatically. This template is giving us many problems and we do not have support for your part. The instructions that you sent us in the first email reply did not explain anything at all you left me in the same way because we can not change the colors in layaut we change the colors and we do not respond, we are behind with the project and we need an urgent response.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
hello, is it just compatible with JA marketplace? I have bought Knowband – Multi Vendor Marketplace Module. Will it work ??Thank you

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi, you’ve helped in the installation before. Thanks again for that. But because of prestashop, we had to reset the site again. prestashop ta we got ridiculous mistakes. We’ve reinstalled the site, restoring the modules from the old files. But the ja marketplace was not active. This is not our first request, but we have no choice. We can’t solve this without you. Because we have no files and documentation (about ja marketplace and modules). It is also not established when we try to establish the theme directly. Can you send modules as extras? How to restore ja marketplace ftp backups. If you are unable to help ja marketplace and modules (by file or other method), we will apply for a refund. Because it is impossible for us to use this theme otherwise. As mentioned in the mail, we received the theme for the multi-vendor feature. Thanks, good work. We are waiting for your reply..

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hello Team, Love your layout. Want to know Multi vendor portal is available in this or have to purchase separately?

Review Left On 07/01/2022
Hello, just brought your template yesterday, i got the ja marketplace module too but it does not appear on the template. How can i’ve got the same functionnality of you ?

Review Left On 08/14/2022
Hola, requiero el reembolso por este theme no me llegó a funcionar bien. Y perdí bastante tiempo tratando de solucionar. Tuve Y fue tarde la respuesta por parte de soporte. He solicitado reembolso en mensajería interna pero no he recibido ninguna respuesta. Por favor, requiero cerrar este tema. Gracias.