Mestro – Multipurpose HTML5 Template is a Modern, Creative, Responsive template suitable for corporate business, creative agencies, business startups and other related companies. It has clean, crisp and simple design that can easily be adapted and used for variety of similar niche websites. This template comes with 3 unique home variation with 2 different navigation styles. Also, About, Team, Services, Blog , Testimonials, 404 or others essentials pages are included. Mestro is super responsive to all of the devices and will suite the startups specially. Note: All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hi, is there any chance you could send me the contact php file please.
[email protected]

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Is it possible to show in the home page “Recent Posts” section of this template the headers of a Zendesk ( forum? It would make the difference for us.

Review Left On 04/30/2022
ops! sorry i have no any account except themeforest. one more option you purchase my jutt doe theme only 10 doller then i personaly send you mestro template. i hope you understand
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Review Left On 05/01/2022
Okay, we can call it a gentleman’s agreement. Now i buy Jutt Doe, and please don’t forget to send me mestro I hope you understant

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hey, great great great theme! Awesome work!
I have a question, is there a way to add a video, like Vimeo or Youtube embedded into the slider on Index page?

Review Left On 07/30/2022
Hello, can you say me theme wihout Theme Forest, directly PayPal? ThemeForest add $2 surcharge, but i have only $15 on PayPal. If you accept please send to me e-mail with information about your PayPal account. Sorry for my English ;(

Review Left On 08/31/2022
Mestro *
I’m not getting to do the Slider pause when I place the mouse over, is this possible??