Resume - Responsive Personal Portfolio / CV Template
Reviews: 1 | Overal Rating: ExcellectExcellect | |
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Resume template for any type of profession as for creative studios and companies, perfectly suits for placing information about your services, experience, works and expertise. Clean, modern and organized looking material design and well commented, flexible code. You will be able to add and manage blog in your page as well. Features List: Unique, Modern, Clean and 100% Fully Responsive and Easy to customize Build with HTML5 with CSS3 Built with Bootstrap v4 W3C HTML5 Validation Responsive typography 6 Unique and Different Home Pages variants: Default Triangle Background Side-Menu Side-Menu Wave Background Center Align Particles Background Google web fonts: Poppins Raleway Fonts Awesome Icons Sticky header Compatible with mobile de... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/20/2022
I have a problem when i install it then an error occurs ( stylesheet missing ). please solve issue. i am first buyer of this forum.

Review Left On 04/21/2022

Really like the template and have found the response time to questions and overall support to be great.

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Hello. Copying the design of the main menu is a violation of our copyright. If you do not change the design, then we will create a DMCA takedown report. Thanks.
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Review Left On 05/08/2022
I think it is a pity that you post template fit for Wordpress if they are not! Your support is then saying it is very easy to adapt html theme (what it apparently was after the buy) to Wordpress and just saying there is documentation for (not specifying, because it was just not there), if yoou call this support, what a joke! And your denial about refunding (because I could only find out that supposed to be Wordpress template was not suitable for Wordpress at all that yur sold theme missed the CSS files for my Wordpress site) because I already downloaded that one (you can also see I did not use that theme because I is not suitable/usable) makes you look like a scammer.

Review Left On 05/15/2022
Could you please fix the big security issue in the PHP script? How does an XSS like this has not been noticed? No treatment on a POST value? Urgent to release a 1.2 with the fix.