Mazen - Creative Portfolio Template
Reviews: 2 | Overal Rating: ExcellectExcellect | |
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Mazen is a Creative Portfolio Template for creative people. Mazen can be used for many purposes starting from minimal portfolios, freelancers, photography and much more. Main features Clean and Professional Design 100% Responsive Minimal Design Working ajax contact form Bootstrap framework W3C valid HTML files Fontawesome Icons Fully responsive Google Fonts Well documented Premium Support File Included HTML, CSS, JS and PHP Files Documentation Files Credits jQuery bootstrap owl.carousel isotope.pkgd jquery.fittext magnific-popup Photos Unsplash Pixeden Fonts MontserratPoppins Note all images used in this template are not included with the main purchased files... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/15/2022

The best portfolio I ever had! Meets my demands perfectly, thank you!One thing: Would be great if the contact form would be little more spam resistant.

Review Left On 06/18/2022

An absolute pleasure to work with this template, it is so refreshing to get a template and it just works, as well as being easy to extend and modify for what the client requires.I am impressed with their support response time too.

Review Left On 08/06/2022
Hi there! It’s over a week & I’m still waiting for a reply to emails and the above message. Please advise.
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Review Left On 08/10/2022
Hello there! I have sent you a couple of emails requesting assistance and have not heard back from you. Are you still supporting this template as well as the Morgan template? Please let me know asap. Thank you.