A classic theme with a timeless look. Demi is clean and adaptive grid-based layout for artist, fashion blogger and photographer. With “buy button” support, Demi helps you blog and sell stuffs —or promote your products— in a way that’s engaging, letting visitors enjoy your articles in a great way. Sell through Etsy, Demi allows you to promote your product or simply use PayPal button for direct transaction. Completely easy. Get free access to our custom widget (Instagram, Social media, Flickr), truly widget, easy to set up, no code, no headache. Custom share button, including “Tweet this quote”, to Engage With Your Readers via various social media platforms. Spice up your blog through the Theme Designer™. Change font, colo... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
is somebody here?
1. I want to said the next, i’m your customer from themeforest (Dani Grigu) and i’m not happy, beacouse my first reason is: i can’t install this theme on my blogger https://themeforest.net/item/demi-gridbased-blog-template/19701250
2. Second reson is the next : when i bought Pacific theme, i recevied for download this themplate: https://themeforest.net/item/pacific-big-bold-photographydriven-theme/19774541?s_rank=7
now for download is another one ‘Pacific Bold’ or something like that, i dont like that, i whant just what i paid, ok?
I expect to receive what I need, thank you.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
hey I have just purchased your theme today, I am having issues installing it
Invoice number : IVBF17540702
Order number : 58004961
I am listing down the issue below.
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme install failed.

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hello! I am looking for a custom blogger theme and this one caught my eye. Is there an option to switch from a grid layout to anything else? Blog posts vertically stacked on top of one another?
Is there any option to try this theme out before committing?
Thank you!!
Mia - One Page Personal vCard
Amaar - Creative Architecture & Interior WordPress Theme
Fusion - A Distinctive Portfolio Template
Multiple Event & Conference
StudioX - One Page Parallax

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hello Foxlink, thanks for your interest. To answer your question:
1. It currently doesn’t support responsive video, will be added in the next version. It’s just, YouTube has different thumbnail orientation, forcing Blogger to use YouTube’s thumbnail as featured image won’t look good on the theme.
2. I’ve never tried adding multiple comment system, but i believe that’s possible. Just need additional work on developer side. Won’t be easy tho’.
3. Unfortunately, it doesn’t support related post by default. Adding related post can be done by manually editing the source.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
When I try to install the theme, I get an error that the theme could not be installed. but I can install another theme that I downloaded from the internet.
When I copy and paste the source codes in the xml file, I get the following error
“The widget settings in widget with id PageList1 is not valid. Page title is invalid.”
Can you help me?
I thinks i solved.

Review Left On 05/10/2022
Hi, the Instagram carousel ins’t showing. it’s giving me the following error:
‘This content is not yet available over encrypted connections.’
Please help!

Review Left On 05/18/2022
Hi BP,
I faced similar issue like @DaniGrigu above. I follow all the installation instructions step by step, but couldn’t find any reason why the posts on homepage not in the ‘grid mode’.
Can you tell me how to fix this?

Review Left On 06/10/2022
I Bought a template from you, is verry nice one, but i have a problem!
Do not show me the grid style
Can you help me, please?
This is my blog (blogger) : http://www.comunacosminele.eu/

Review Left On 06/19/2022
Hi BP,
Can you add the auto ‘buy’ button feature at the end of ‘shop’ labeled post in the next update? Right now we only can see the buy button at the homepage but not at the post page. I believe it is good option to have the ‘buy’ button at homepage and at the end post page.

Review Left On 06/19/2022
Is it possible to send me a youtube tutorial on how to set up the theme like the example?
Mine looks totally different.
Thank you

Review Left On 07/26/2022
Hi BP!
Really nice blogger theme you got here. I might buy it very soon. Before i do that. I’ve questions. Does it support responsive youtube embed post? Can i’ve more than one comment system with this theme? (Blogger + Disqus) No related post widget?
Thank you,

Review Left On 07/29/2022
Hi, i’m interesting your templates. All of them are so beautiful. And about Demi, can i change vertical photo at homepage to square ? Thanks!

Review Left On 08/18/2022
Hello. I love your Demi theme. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to use it on my blog. When I did try to use it, all the previous posts that contained photos, the photos are now stacked on each other along the right side of the post. Any help in fixing this will be greatly appreciated.

Review Left On 09/16/2022
Hi there,
I installed the template, but I got some problems with the gadgets and the presentation.
See: http://pumucklontour.blogspot.ca