Bezel is a creative, fully responsive HTML template. Suitable for almost any kind of website: Blog, Shop, Agency, Freelance, Corporate, Photography, Restaurant, Architecture, Business, Fitness and much more. Main Features: 15+ Different Concepts: Modern, Digital Agency, Creative Agency, Minimal, Business, Landing Page, Architecture, Photography, Resume, Fitness, Agency Portfolio, Fashion Agency, One Page Home, Restaurant, Startup Fully Responsive. Retina Ready One Page \u0026amp; Multi-page design. 15+ Home Concepts. 60+ HTML Files. Three different menus: Top navbar, Aside Navbar, Fullscreen Menu. Both light and dark styles available. Boxed and Wide Portfolio Layouts with animated filters. 3 Single Project Template... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
The validation process on the contact form doesn’t work properly. A user is able to submit a form without an email address, which it shouldn’t be able to do. It shows there’s an error by making the email input box red, but it gives a success message. The user thinks that the message has been sent, but in fact, it hasn’t.

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Before I purchase, do you have a workaround for Google AMP Html or can you provide the theme with this included? Just seeing if I need to add additional cost to my client proposal.

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hi, HobyLab
I want to buy your theme.
But I’m wondering how to use your theme.
We need an information page, visit page, what ever. So this should be static html, without backend.
Question: where is documentation, how to you use your theme, what structure is there? is there html templates? is this only css, less files? How to populate content?
Is there any configuration file , example json where I can customize data, and then generate some static html? Or should I develop with my own layout html ?
Right now it’s like a black box. And documentation is only for wordpress, which is redundancy for me. Want to know what scope of work I need to do before I buy it.
Homy - Real Estate HTML Template
Promo - Multipurpose Landing Page
King - WordPress Viral Magazine Theme
Maxshop - Responsive & Multi-Purpose eCommerce HTML Template
Artika - Multipurpose & Onepage HTML Template

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hello! Here is the errors i found while testing demo
can’t close video – button not working in FF 58.0.2
anchors not working
close button not working and click on background also not closing image slider in FF 58.0.2
pop up images not showing up on this page In FF and Chrome
Please add a pop up call to action – i like this template and i want to buy it but my skills is weak to make beautiful pop up form

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi! I submit a refund request for this one
because it’s not working on my webserver.
i plan to buy your template after my money is back – i want to download fully functional template so please fix everything that i report not working

Review Left On 04/24/2022
i’m gona report about bus here in comments because it’s faster for me. also i double everything in your ticket sys. Public Ticket #1533554
Today is April 8 2018

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi, I am going to buy this theme right now but I would like to know if there any plans to support upgrade it to Bootstrap 4?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hello. Please: can you tell me how to make work autoplay video in Windows?
It work good on Mac but not on Windows. Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 06/02/2022
Hi agaiin! I’m gonna buy this item because didn’t found nothing better. U promise fix all bugs that i reported.

Review Left On 06/22/2022
All buttons can trigger the modal window, since the template is based on Bootstrap.
Please take a look at the official documentation:

Review Left On 06/22/2022
Hello good afternoon.
I’m working with your template and I’m having a problem when I want to use more than one video on the slider (I’m using YouTube videos). Could you please give me a solution to this error? Thank you

Review Left On 09/29/2022
Hello! i come back to check this template again) Where i can find buttons to trig modal window?