Indecor – Minimal Furniture Store HTML Template is a superb-quality \u0026amp; grand looking HTML5 template. Indecor is developed to build online shop for modern furniture, electric products, home decor, kitchen appliances, clocks and almost everything. Such a huge template Indecor is that, it brings 6 unique homepages, 7+ shop pages, 11+ single product pages totaling to 43+ HTML pages. Moreover this awesome template has responsive Layout, used Owl-Carousel, used Slick Slider, Google Font, Well Documentation, 100% valid W3 web standards, Working Ajax Contact Form, W3 Validate Markup, Clean and Commented Code etc. However, Indecor is powered by Bootstrap 4 and has valid HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3. This flexible and multi-purpose website template is c... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022 thise home slider have problem after change slides giving white screen

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Nice design generally, but worst mobile menu I have ever seen, usability zero please renew this menu design if you dont renew it I will redeem my money
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