Industrio – Industry, Factory \u0026amp; Engineering HTML Template developed specifically for all types of industry, engineering or machinery businesses. Well-structured code and easy to use documentation help you to get a great business website. Features 3 AWESOME Home Variation. Clean \u0026amp; Modern Design Valid HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3. Built Based on Bootstrap Mailchimp integrated. Working PHP Contact Form. Build With SASS Sticky Menu When Scrolling Down Awesome Unique Look. Cross Browser Optimization. Google font. Dedicated support Free Updates and much more…. Images are not included in the download file! Files includ... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hi, nice template…how can I add two more slides on home page one? I tried but I can only see the slide images without text. can you help me? thank you very much.
Best regards!

Review Left On 06/16/2022
Hi, would you be so kind to contact our support team at and they will assist you.

Review Left On 08/20/2022
I have the Industrio theme, which is awesome. It is slightly complicated to change certain things but great. I have changed the theme and it’s looking great but it is not obvious how I can change the headers on different pages like the shop and services. I have gone for blue and all other pages are using that style but these two pages I cannot do change to that. Any ideas?
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