Minimal elite - Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template and WebApps
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Minimal elite Admin Minimal elite Admin can be used by developer developing web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc. Minimal elite Admin is a Premium Admin 4 Dashboard template with a modern design concept. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.0 Beta Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to customize it. More than 100+ features and with widgets and plugins are included here to make your work easier. Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tabl... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hi how do i use datatables?
btw im using laravel. i’ve added items below as per the requirements yet i cannot see the its working

Review Left On 05/19/2022
Hi team
Is there a full screen expand functionality for the graphs on the page ?
Thanks and Regards
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