Barristar – Lawyers Attorneys and Law Firm HTML Template
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Barristar – Lawyers Attorneys and Law Firm HTML Template Barristar is clean, unique, and modern Law Firm HTML Template. It was created for Law, Lawyers or any kind of Law related business or company. The template layout contains custom made pages for Law Firm niche, like Practice , Case , Attorney.There is no doubt that Barristar will make your Website look more impressive and attractive to viewers. Designed on grid system, your site will look sharp on all screens. Our package includes 18 well-organized HTML files and with this template you can converted it into WordPress. Main features 18 VALID HTML Files 3 Different Homepage Layout Styles Working Ajax Contact form Twitter Bootstrap 4... READ MORE

Review Left On 06/05/2022
Pages and theme look good but Elementor is not turned on for the services and attorneys and it doesn’t seem you can edit page titles on services and attorneys. You have to rebuild them I think, but waiting for support. So its not fully developed template as the Elementor and custom options aren’t integrated fully into each page option. Also the global CSS editor is limiting compared to other themes and some features I don’t think work like hiding the page title globally. Ill update my comment if i was wrong after I hear from support.

Review Left On 07/11/2022
Hello, I wanted to request information about the Barristar html template.
the internal search engine is already working, or do you need to know how to program in php to make it work? I ask it because in the demo version of the site when you try to enter a word and do a search it doesn’t work.

Review Left On 07/24/2022
I’m unable to upload the theme.
I got this message,
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.
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