Eduworld-Education, Courses Online Drupal 8.6 Theme
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Eduworld is a unique, smart, multipurpose Theme. It’s suitable for teachers, education center, schools, universities, and e-learning Center. It has 100% super responsive. This template comes with necessary features for your online presence like projects, courses, profile, blog page etc. The template is responsive and highly customizable. Dear buyer! If you like this template and my support please rate it. Features Drupal 8.x(Drupal 8.6) Visual Content Layout Demo included HTML included(save $17) Bootstrap 3.x Clean and Unique Design Responsive and Retina ready Smooth css3 animations Contact Form Font Awesome Easy Customizable Well documented Less files Etc…... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/14/2022
I just installed the theme on 8.7 but it gives me error…. does not contain any .info.yml files.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
whether by buying, I can use this theme completely like the demo, without buying plugins or additional modules

Review Left On 04/28/2022
This theme is very difficult because not created by Drupal technique. Even edit a sentences is not possible using Drupal editor.
This is the code shown when edit the Slider:
blockid="block_content:3addcc62-1390-4306-beaa-645ad19c20bc" paddingleft="" paddingright="" paddingtop="" paddingbottom="" marginleft="" marginright="" margintop="" marginbottom="" extraclass="" id="" textalign="default" cssstyles="" backgroundcolor="" ]/block/block/block/block[/block]
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Review Left On 05/25/2022
Sorry but there are a a lot of issues with this template and I don’t know where to start. Team members, blogs and news are not made with drupal view and hardcoded in the node. This means many restrictions like you can’t add multiple columns for blogs and team members. This template is only for single personal user. If you can upgrade it then it will the perfect template at least for me

Review Left On 08/07/2022
Something is wrong with the demo .”The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.” Is it bugfree?

Review Left On 09/13/2022
send an email, showing the errors of the template supposedly responding in 48 hours, I had to correct on my own the CSS redirections of the template since it only works correctly, know that this is not done.

Review Left On 09/28/2022
I am happy to purchase your template. But blog grid would look much nicer with 3 grid than 4. How can I do it with 3 grid? Thanks