CodeLab - Ultimate Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
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CodeLab is a premium Bootstrap 4.2.1 Admin Dashboard Template. It comes with tones of well designed UI elements, components, widgets and pages. This template is very lightweight and easy to customize. It can be used to create a saas based interface, custom admin panels, dashboard, CRM, CMS etc. CodeLab helps your team moving faster and saving development costs. Change Log: version: 1.2 Upgrade: Bootstrap 4.2.1 New: Left Sidebar NiceScroll Added Fixed: Custom file input filename show version: 1.1 New: Mail Inbox Page Demo New: Email Template Demo Improvement: Top navigation responsiveness Demo Features: 4 Dashboard Demo Built on latest bootstrap (v – 4.1.3)... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/24/2022
PREPURCHASE : Hi, i don’t undertand how does it works ? I have sql database but how can i link your file to the database ? thanks

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hi, i am having issues with dashboard #1. It appears the chartjs graphs keep increasing in height and never stop after the page gets loaded. Thanks.

Review Left On 08/07/2022
Is it possible to use the “top nav” version but have the “hamburger menu” on left instead of the right when used on a smaller device like a tablet or phone? In your demo, this menu is located on the right side in the nav bar.
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