Amdesk - HelpDesk and Knowledge Base HTML template
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Amdesk – is an HTML template for your helpdesk system. You can convert this template into your actual system and give to your users an intuitive way to get to know your products. Create documentation, knowledge base and help users in ticket system or forums. Sell goods from your site directly and manage users licenses. This helpdesk template based on Bootstrap 4 and fully responsive, that means your users may get help easily also using only mobile devices. Features Ticketing system Knowledge base Documentations Forums... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Pre-sales question, May I know please, 1. where can I see the tutorial which How I can add this theme to my wordpress website as help center? 2. will it work or need FAQ/Support plugins to work as help center page? thx

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hey guys, love how this looks! Just have a few questions. Any chance I can get a link to the changelog page of the template? I saw the picture on the product description and I really like how it looks.
Another thing is: are you guys available for hire/custom work?
Thank you!

Review Left On 04/17/2022
i have purchased the theme and i’m very satisfied until now.
I found two little errors:
1) One is shown when i have just a second level menu, without third level.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘left’ of undefined
at Array. (amdesk.min.js?ver=1556065633:11)
at amdesk.min.js?ver=1556065633:11
if i add a third level item, the error disappears.
2) Another is when i add a third level menu: on mobile devices, if i scroll down and after i open the menu, the “X” button for closing the menu is not shown. When i turn back to top, the button appear again.
I have tested on different devices such as S3 Neo, Huawei P10.
Can you check these error, please?
Thanks a lot!
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Review Left On 04/22/2022
I have see the html code is not formatted check this: so whats the solution?