Crita | The Responsive Multi-Purpose Drupal 8 Theme
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Crita Drupal is a highly creative, modern, visually stunning and Bootstrap responsive multipurpose corporate and portfolio HTML5 template with 5+ ready home page demos., If you are a lover of creative designs and would like to build a very unique and professional website quickly then your search should end at Crita. Theme Features Drupal 8.x HTML files included Data sample included 5+ Different Home Page Layouts Bootstrap v3.3.6 Fully Customizable HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 code Dedicated Support Coming Soon Page 1200+ Icons Responsive Design 404 Error Page Google fonts History Timeline Browser Compatibility Well Documentation Cross Browser Support All Files are Well Commented Masonry Gallerys Parallax Backg... READ MORE

Review Left On 07/24/2022
Hi, I would like to know how this theme uses/supports bootstrap 3 and 4. Can I choose which one to use and are your other themes also bootstrap 4 compatible?
Another question is if you have a list of contributed modules you use and if you added any custom modules.
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