Balley | Real Estate Single Property HTML5 Template
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Balley Single Property Real Estate HTML Template. We have created the Template with real life experience.. Right fit for Selling your Villa, Land, Apartment, House and Raw Houses. Also useful for Real Estate Companies. Features Overview Slider Revolution : Create stunning slides with different animation effects easily with Revolution Slider Responsive Layout Design: What ever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. The Balley template is fully responsive layout for all type of devices. Balley template coded with beautiful and clean codes! Some powerful HTML files 100% valid W3 web standards. Awesome Blog Pages : Blogging very important! We designed beautiful blog page templates and singl... READ MORE

Review Left On 07/22/2022
Hi, is there possibility to create slide images on gallery page ? Litebox image working fine, but will be nice, uf user can then go to next (prev) image.. Thanks, P
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