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Gilbard - Gaming Bootstrap 4 Template

Reviews: 1 | Overal Rating: Bad
Gilbard Gaming Bootstrap 4 Template is an elite class modern template. Its look amazing on any kind of devices or screen sizes because of its nice and clean design. This responsive template is absolute for gaming products such as Xbox One, PS4, and Origin etc. Gilbard is powered by strong features and animation which is unique as well as user-friendly. This Bootstrap 4 template will give you a great user experience. This customize template comes with 6 Unique Home Versions along with Total 20+ HTML Pages, 1 Landing Page, Based on Bootstrap 4.x, Used Slick Slider, Responsive Layout, Working Ajax Contact Form, W3 Validate Markup. It also includes Valid HTML5 / CSS3, Sass Compatible, 100% valid W3 web standards, Optimize all plugins CSS \u0026am... READ MORE
Review Left On 04/18/2022
Stacee Citrino

The seller is terrible, untrustworthy and uncooperative. I was denied a refund and had to "generate" my losses in other ways.. Sucks for them.
Review Left On 04/19/2022
Camden Edgcomb
hello, can i get the gilbard logo psd file. I would like to put the name of my website instead. if not could you tell me which font had you chosen? cordially
Review Left On 04/25/2022
Ethban Chaberek
Hey, I’m working on a game store website for user to Buy PlayStation and I want to use this theme for my website. Can you help to integrate it?

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