Gull - Laravel + Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template
Reviews: 6 | Overal Rating: GoodExcellect | |
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Gull is a modern Bootstrap 4 admin template and UI framework with full Laravel version. It is fully responsive built using SASS, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plugins and packed with smart developer tools such as Gulp, Babel and Browsersync. It can be used for building all kind of Cross-platform Application and Web application backends like custom admin panel, admin dashboard, accounting software, project management, chat application, eCommerce backends, CMS, CRM, ERP or SAAS. Gull provides you all the UI to input and visualize/output large and small datasets. Main Features: Full SASS support: Gull implements bootstrap 4 sass. Styles and custom schemes are written in sass. Prebuilt apps: Gull has pre made apps(Invoice Builde... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Query : The CSS updations we are updating on the pages are not getting reflected properly inside that .
Also some times other sections get affected , will be fine if can do share a documentation or support file on the same .

Review Left On 04/18/2022

It's very easy template for laravel, i'have just launch 'composer install' and 'npm run dev' and i can work ! congratulations !!

Review Left On 04/22/2022

1. I want to use multiple layer in navigation menu module. but its now only exists two 1. Main 2. Submenu. i want another menu under submenu.2. this menu navigation parent menu and child menu exits another div . why it not on after. when i run parent foreach i want child menu exits inside this parent div.sorry for my bad english
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Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi, from where can I get complete ReactJs complete as displayed in Demo.

Review Left On 04/25/2022

Design quality and customer support are excellent. Seller returns advice very quickly, especially as I am new to Laravel, which I cannot praise enough. Thank you.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Dear Author
When I run the react starter kit got the following error.
ATANU@DESKTOP-U2E2HC6 MINGW64 /e/Atanu/GULL_REACT/gull-laravel-html-admin-dashboard/gull-react-starter-kit/gull-react-starter-kit/react-starter
$ yarn start
yarn run v1.22.10
$ react-scripts start
i 「wds」: Project is running at
i 「wds」: webpack output is served from
i 「wds」: Content not from webpack is served from E:\Atanu-Da\GULL_REACT\gull-laravel-html-admin-dashboard\gull-react-starter-kit\gull-react-starter-kit\react-starter\public
i 「wds」: 404s will fallback to /
Starting the development server…
Failed to compile.
./src/styles/app/app.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref-5-oneOf-6-1./node_modules/resolve-url-loader??ref-5-oneOf-6-3./src/styles/app/app.scss)
SassError: Invalid CSS after ”...le-height: math”: expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was ”.div($drag-handle-h”
on line 21 of node_modules/react-image-crop/lib/ReactCrop.scss
from line 19 of src/styles/app/app.scss
>> $half-drag-handle-height: math.div($drag-handle-height, 2);
Plz reply.
Thanks & Regards

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hello there,
I purchased this template and using now. There is one confusion regards iconmind library. I could not found any document regard iconmind collection. Please make me clear how we can find complete list of icons and is there any copyright for this library or not?
Thank you.

Review Left On 05/06/2022

Truly one of the highest quality and greatest value items purchased on Themeforest, in addition to a great product stands an awesome creator who quickly replies to comments and questions.Thank you!!!

Review Left On 05/31/2022
Dear Support Team
I have recently purchased Gull Bootstrap 4HTML Template by accident instead of Gull Angular Template.
Request you to please cancel my purchase or provide Gull Angular Template access.
It is very urgent. Please do the needful.

Review Left On 06/01/2022
Hey there,
I bought a template many months ago, and it’s used on this website. Now, I want to use this template for a 2nd website. How do I purchase a 2nd license of the template?

Review Left On 06/21/2022
hello i want to ask, about
Gull – Bootstrap 4 HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template…
i got problem or bug with layout/vertical-sidebar when use mobile version cant logout and cant click right menu. thats new template can you fix the bug? and what should i do? thanks sir

Review Left On 07/19/2022
Hi, I don’t understand what is the difference between this and, can you please explain me? Thank you!

Review Left On 07/22/2022
Hi, I have purchased Gul theme and trying to work on ReactJs but from the downloaded code, we can see that the ReactJs code is incomplete as per the Shown demo.
Demo Link:

Review Left On 07/25/2022
I found a new bug using modals and the vertical menu version.
When the menu is collapsed and I open a modal, the “fade” is on top.

Review Left On 07/28/2022
Hello, i’d purchase laravel versión of gull-bootstrap theme and i having a problem whit sub-sidebar: when i drop over it, but did not click in it’s icons, and then i drop over out of the sub-menu, it’s not hide auto, and the mouse icon stay with no pointer, instead an arrow ..
There’s a way to hide the auto when users does not click on it.
Thank you

Review Left On 09/04/2022
By accident I purchase
Gull – Bootstrap 4 HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template instead of Gull – Angular 13+ Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template (Angular based). Can you please change my download from HTML to Angular? Otherwise I want to cancel this order.

Review Left On 09/16/2022

A different style of Admin Dashboard! Outstanding because most of them look like they are cut from the same cookie cutter. It's a beautiful design. The only thing I am not fond of is the fly out menu on mouse hover... I think it should be on mouse click only because it get's annoying every-time you accidentally mouse over a link and that thing fly's out. But it's easily fixed I am sure... I just haven't taken the time to inspect and change that.

Review Left On 10/04/2022

Theme is cool. But all scripts file are minified version even in uncompressed (unminified) file name. So that I am unable to modify as my need.