Description TripTip is a Directory \u0026amp; Listing HTML5 template created especially for Directory Businesses. It includes 18 HTML files. All files are perfectly organized, and you could easily customize everything. It has many functions to make easy and reliable directory listing. You can use it for a lot of websites directory \u0026amp; listing types, like Real Estate, Property, Hotel, Travel, Restaurants, Entertainments etc.. Thanks for watching. Our Template include all features that you need Bootstrap 4.x Clean and Unique Design Responsive and Retina ready Smooth css3 animations Working Contact Form Font Awesome icons Line Awesome icons Google maps (with multi \u0026amp; single marker) Info Window for markers Select 2 Plugin for select option... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hello There, It’s been 5 days I sent the email to you – Please can you get back to me? The template is TripTip

Review Left On 06/18/2022
Hi. I’m really interested in your template, but, before buying, I would like to know if the maps/markers are stricktly tied to Google Maps, or is it possible to use them on other maps like openstreetmaps, etc)?
Thank you

Review Left On 08/11/2022
Hi do you have a Real Estate version of this template (or script/wordpress)?if not, how much custom work for made (with this template) a real estate template?
Rolly - Creative Portfolio
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Review Left On 08/15/2022
Hi. We are interested to refresh our website into new modern theme.
What we do is:
- company listing
- event listing & tickets sales
We use Wordpress – Ait Themes City Guide theme which is bugged as hell and it’s worst experience ever.
We have user registration and business & event organizers registration with Ultimate Members.
We collect information about company or event by WPQuark Eform.
We are using Tickera ticketing system but we are thinking to get on EventON. Do you think your template can handle ticketing system feature?
1. Do you think your template can handle Company Listing & Event Ticket sale platform?
2. Will your template offer registration/login feature & back-end for company/events owners to maintain their listings with the minimal action from our side?
3. How customizable is your template? In our current template we have Page Builder to customize our pages. How is it working with yours?
4. Documentation – will I have access to full documentation after purchase?
5. Do I have to purchase extra plugins to get full functionality of your theme which I can see in Live Demo?
6. Multilingual – will you theme support multilingual option for our users?
7. Support. Do you willing to help with template issues without excuses like – it’s customization – we can’t help – like AIT support team?
Thank you for your answers,
VIP Grupa

Review Left On 09/16/2022
Hi, does this includes Sass files and NPM package code using which you’ve made the Javascript build?

Review Left On 09/23/2022
Hey Nunforest, Could you also send me an email when the Wordpress version is ready. I would LOVE to use this template, it looks amazing! Thanks in advance.
[email protected]

Review Left On 10/03/2022
Hi Nunforest, this looks like a nice theme we can use. Before the purchase, I’d like to know how much JS is used and for which part? We’re planning to integrate the theme with a JS framework to make a SPA, and I’m not sure how easy if there’s already tonnes of JS.