Slake - Web Hosting, Domain and WHMCS Hosting HTML Template
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Slake is a Clean Powerful, Isometric Based Web Hosting, Domain and WHMCS HTML Template. Slake is designed for All kinds of Hosting Technology, Domain registration, Web Hosting Provider and Cloud Hosting Business. WHMCS Integration and Fully Compatible with WHMCS Bridge.If you need to create a website for Hosting Technology, Domain registration, Web Hosting and Cloud Hosting Business, Slake is a great choice for you. Last Updates log Version 2.0 – 14 February 2019 - Added 03 Home variation with more Illustration - Fixed Some minor Issues - Fixed Some Responsive Issues You can easily change texts, content, Image,objects and color palette. This file is very well organised. Template Features: 18+ HTML5 Files Fully Isometric Base... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
will this template display the same on both the mobile devices and desktop?
I did notice, the image on the index.html page does not showup on the mobile .

Review Left On 04/17/2022
I have an issue related with header logo position in smartphones. When visualized in mobile devices, the layout “crashes” with menu button and logo position in wrong places. I have some screenshots and I could send if provided an email.
Thank you in advance.

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Will it be possible for you guys to create html page with more elements ( something similar we find in other templates).
I will like your template, but i need for elements so i can customize this template for my needs.
By the way, having those extra stuff will really increase your sales as in its current form, the usage is quite limited even though you have an awesome design.
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Review Left On 04/20/2022
We are very sorry for our late reply.
Thank you for choosing our template.
I think you want to create the Second Level menu in this template. If it is
Then follow the screenshot…
CSS : and
Aslo you can see for more sure :
Raw HTML code :
Blog details
Raw CSS code :
.dropdown .dropdown:hover>.dropdown-nav {
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)";
opacity: 1;
visibility: visible;
transform: translateY(0px);
top: 50%;
right: -99% !important;
.dropdown-nav.dropdown-nav-left .dropdown-nav.dropdown-nav-left {
left: initial;
right: -99% !important;
top: 70%;
ul.dropdown-nav > li.current-menu-has-children > a:after{
content: '\f107';
font-family: 'FontAwesome';
margin-left: 8px;
font-size: 18px;
-webkit-transform: translateX(65px);
transform: translateX(65px);
display: inline-block;
line-height: 20px;
you can follow the screenshot or copy and past the HTML and CSS code in your project file.
- Level 2
- Level 2
- Level 2

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Is it normal that I don’t have all the WHMCS files in the download ?
Thank you

Review Left On 05/04/2022
We want to buy this HTML theme. We can see that you don’t provide the WHMCS template with it.
Is there nay separate file we can download for the WHMCS files? We are seeking for the v8 template files.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Dear Marvel_Theme-Team,
by scrolling through the web i found a company called “NXTByte” ( using your template “Slake” for multiple websites & reselling it to other hosting companies without any license.
Some of the other hosting companies using the “reselled” theme by NXTByte are: &
I hope I was able to help you with that clue.
Many greetings and a nice weekend
Simon Baumann

Review Left On 05/20/2022
How do I use this theme with WHMCS for example how do I change the header, footer etc to match?

Review Left On 07/19/2022
Looking to buy this theme and wondering if it works on WHMCS version 8.1.3 ?

Review Left On 08/30/2022
Hello, I liked your work but I was not able to open the WHMCS-Bridge page. Please, can you fix it.

Review Left On 09/03/2022
Could you help me please to know can I to do the Second Level menu?
Victor Alameda