Blumingo - Angular Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template & UI Kit
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Blumingo – a professional admin template, based on Bootstrap framework for angular platform. Blumingo is a powerful and super flexible tool, it’s best for any kind of admin dashboards. Includes 7 pre-built layouts, 100+ components with different features and options, plugins and extensions etc. Blumingo will make your developer’s life much easier. It’s fully responsive, so it looks perfect on mobiles and tablets. Blumingo admin kit is based on SASS pre-processor, includes 100+ commented SCSS files. Each file corresponds to a single component, layout, page, plugin or extension – so you can easily find the necessary piece of code and... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
There are some serious warnings about deprecations (like @angular/http and core-js).
Any plans to upgrage/replace those libs?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Would It be possible to use inline page fragments taken from some other web-applications? (Micro frontend)

Review Left On 04/26/2022
Nice theme but is this just a copy with some small modifications of the popular themeforest limitless theme? You can see here, looks extremely close in style to your theme no?
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Review Left On 07/14/2022
And what is this?
It’s simpler and better than the gull-html theme!
When will this theme come out with html + laravel?

Review Left On 07/23/2022
Hello, I can’t use cli commands, I always get
You have to be inside an angular-cli project in order to use the build command.

Review Left On 07/29/2022
How can I add validations without write a lot of code, I mean, required validation has its own messages and style but in te application example I need to write div with ngIf in orden to display messages which results very disturbing