Atrio - Bootstrap 4 Multipurpose & HR Admin Dashboard Template
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Introduction Atrio is a modern admin dashboard template based on Material Design Components and Bootstrap 4x Framework. Atrio comes with a separate template for Human Resource Management(HR) admin dashboard for project management and company management pages. Atrio uses SASS to make your life editing the styles easier. All styles are fully develop with SASS and easy to understand. It has lots of ready to use components which helps you to develop quickly and easy to customize. Atrio is a fully responsive bootstrap admin dashboard works seamlessly on all major web browsers and devices.Atrio comes with bower and npm for easy to manage packages in your project. HR Management Features Employee Management Module Project Management Module Atte... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
How to choose the column sort in table responsive ?
On open page, I would like the sort column is the column number 3 for example in page and the column number 6 in other page ?
Thank you in advance.

Review Left On 04/14/2022
I want to use confirm dialog (theme atrio).
If I click on YES, Delete IT!, I want to execute php code (delete a record in database).
I want to translate (in french) this message. Where change this ?
How to do this ?
Many thanks !

Review Left On 04/28/2022
you can change it in .assets/js/pages/ui/dialogs.js and search function showConfirmMessage() you can replace your text in function.
Thank you
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Review Left On 04/29/2022
I have Purchased this theme.
I am getting error in app.min.css that ‘’ file not found because it’s not there in theme.
I am using this theme for angular 8 application and because this image is missing it gives error to me like below.
(Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) CssSyntaxError: /Users/prakashgavade/WORK/field-service/src/assets/css/app.min.css:37:18843: Can’t resolve ‘’ in ’/Users/prakashgavade/WORK/field-service/src/assets/css’
Purchase code: 806327d8-1e64-4543-98fc-495c22d3aa3e
Sagar Gupta

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Many thanks for yours responses.
I want to use amcharts.
Where is the data for donut (for example) because I want to change the values.
Thank You !!!

Review Left On 05/01/2022
I would like execute à javascript if I click on checkbox Ex :
I have tried events onchange or onclick but don’t work …..
Solution ??
Many thanks

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hi, we have bought Atrio Admin Template.
We found no answer for our purpose. We’d like to provide theme and menu settings dark/light and color settings in the right sidebar.
How can we store the selected color in local storage/database in order to force theme settings when opened website next time?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
I wanted to check and see if an update was coming to this theme as the Chrome Lighthouse test shows it’s still using an older jQuery and shows some other warnings.

Review Left On 05/09/2022
hi, i’m checking :
This is very cool for me.
I know JS and PHP, but never i do nothing on bootstrap.
Can you recommended any tutorial, course , etc (udemy, cursera, Ulearning, domestika, etc)
much love, Diego

Review Left On 05/11/2022
Hi, how can we override the Dropzone.options? Our script ignores settings
$(function () {
Dropzone.options.frmFileUpload = {
url: "/admin/ajax/ajax.dropzone.php",
thumbnailMethod: 'contain',

Review Left On 07/25/2022
I bought the following 1nd product. Screen transitions are very slow. How can I fix this? Although 2nd produst is cheaper than the other 1nd product, it works very fast.
Best regards

Review Left On 10/01/2022
I would like refresh page (because I show data in table) after upload file.
I want add function to DropzoneJS.
Where is file where add this ??
Dropzone.options.frmFileUpload = {
maxFilesize: 10, // Mb
init: function () {
// Set up any event handlers
this.on(‘completemultiple’, function () {
I use advanced-form-elements.js but not work …...
Many Thank in advance !!!!!!