Leedo – Modern, Colorful & Creative Portfolio HTML5 Template
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Leedo – Modern, Colorful \u0026amp; Creative Portfolio HTML5 Template Leedo is a carefully crafted flexible, powerful and high performance portfolio HTML5 Template for personal and corporate use. The template is packed with lots of pre-designed pages to display your main services. Gallery, Portfolio, Video, Blog and much more. Leedo is 100% responsive and Retina ready template, which is very important for web development and our customers. We made the template compatible with such premium plugins as Revolution Slider, Cube Portfolio etc. The technical elements of the template are state-of-the-art. Apart from its clean design that is SEO friendly, Leedo uses HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery frameworks that provide extreme functionality an... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
where can I get file for this version of homepage?? https://wp.vlthemes.com/leedo/homepage-17/

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hello , congrat for your fantastic theme. So i need to custom the colour of zigzag elements and frame border elements. So i try it with css stlye with another elements, but that ones i see is in html code. And image not found where can i get it. So how can i change colour. Thanks. I add 2 images that i want. https://ibb.co/s2b8vbX https://ibb.co/8sRhh9P

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi, your support seems to be offline: “503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request.”
Is there a chance to get rid of the scrollbar next to the menu in FF (template 02.creative agency)?
Thank you in advance.
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Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello. I’ve downloaded your theme and wanted to activate the “homepage-3” version. But the first section (woman, background picture and text) is completely missing? I don’t mean the image, I know that you just provide placeholders, but I mean the first revolution-slider section does not show! What am I missing? I did not change anything.