Catalog is a buy/sell marketplace site template coded with Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS and jQuery. The Catalog template suitable for buy sell websites, marketplace sites, multi-vendor websites, personal showcase and similar projects. Idea is listing, directory style website with custom membership pages. The template 100% responsive ready (compatible all mobile devices), retina display ready, modern browsers (IE9+, Firefox, Safari, FireFox, Chrome etc.) support, easy to use html files and color schemes with custom.css file. Build your own marketplace site with tons of options and sections. The Catalog template comes with all membership pages for example; edit profile, upload item, sale report, downloads and message pages (with single),... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hello, I would like to buy the Catalog template but would like to know where all of the members information will be stored at? Do I need to use a database like MySQL? How does it filter out if I want to search for only one specific product? I would just like to purchase the regular HTML template not WordPress and FTP to my server. Also what is the biggest difference between the regular license and extended license because I noticed a big difference in price. Please let me know. Thank you.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
How do i get support from your company? I click on support and it takes me to a page that requires that i login. There is nowhere to login.
I bought:
Buy Sell / Marketplace Responsive Site Template
I need and admin, what should I buy for the admin? can you tell me?

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hello,when I installing, the following prompt appears. How do I solve it, thank you.
“The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.“
[email protected]
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Review Left On 05/04/2022
hello I want to buy it with an installation including a website that is possible and everything will already be installed? Because I do not know how to install alone

Review Left On 09/07/2022
Does the documentation of this format of catalog tell us how to make the appropriate mySQL database? or not?