INDUSTRIAL - Multipurpose Corporate Responsive HTML Template
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INDUSTRIAL is multipurpose responsive corporate HTML template, easy to use and easy to learn, you can using this template for portfolio website, company website, personal website, agency etc. This template is fully responsive created using bootstrap 3 with many features such as image slider, animated scrolling effect, carousel news, counter effect, carousel testimonial, filterable gallery, Ajax contact form, map with google map, parallax effect, contact us, and with 7 option theme color. Also you can using This template as onepage or multiple page, with included 5 single page for news or blog page, default inner page with sidebar, default inner page full width without sidebar, gallery/portfolio page, and contact page. Features Fully... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Hello the team
Nice template, i’ll buy it certainly (sorry for my poor english). I verify components before buy it
Just a comment : when you clic on a page of menu INNER PAGE the page TESTIMONIAL become not (never) operationnal

Review Left On 04/19/2022
once i upload the site to the server there seems to be a parts missing like the about section and service section . even if i download your template and upload it directly as is .
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