StartP HTML v3.0: Released on February 15, 2020 StartP is a Bootstrap 4 and Sass based Professional HTML5 template. This is created especially for individuals and agencies who provide IT Solutions and Software Services online. The template contains multiple unique design variations in the home and other pages for the website. Mobile First Design of the template looks beautiful stunning on all types of screens and devices. Individuals or Agencies who are providing Web, Mobile, eCommerce, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, PC Repair or Digital Marketing focused services could love the StartP template for their existing or next business website! The template has RTL feature included so, using for Arabic and Hebrew language based websi... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Why HTML and react versions are different? For example, I haven’t found login\register user pages in HTML-pages, but they exist in react version.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Bad company bad author, they also blocked us from there support form even though we are eligible for support with a theme we bought and never used because its damaged !!!!

Review Left On 05/27/2022
We are facing a problem to make the front image appears as it is in the demo, it appears as a shadow only with no colors
Kindly guide us on how to fix the issue,
view link:
Fashion Mail - Multipurpose Responsive
Carga - Transport & Cargo Responsive HTML Template
TheSide - Creative Responsive Architecture Template
Rosy | React Multi-Purpose Template
Autima - Car Accessories Prestashop Theme

Review Left On 06/19/2022
this is my second time requested images i wrote as requested to [email protected] but still have no response

Review Left On 08/23/2022
Hello! My key is e7c6c220-a9c4-4753-be54-a7b3c3d21777
I run website: and the php form is not working for me (to email [email protected] also i need graphics, can u provide me that? Im emaling a lot to you and there’s no any reply please help me i just need graphics and convert website to react

Review Left On 09/08/2022
I need complete HTML version of this theme as i want for my website. Is it available if purchase this theme.

Review Left On 09/11/2022
i have sent email to ask for images because it appears shadows , iam waiting for response , thanks