Homex is a Real Estate Template. It’s create in twitter Bootstrap4 version. Lot’s of important pages and features include here. Specially we added user control panel or use admin panel design. Homex include property map view system and property popup on google stylist map. Homex is completely responsive and W3 school validate. Different style property grid system design. In this design we added different type of property search style first time. So you can get option what type of search system you would like to develop and keep in your website. Homex have lot’s of pages and it’s very easy to customize. You can create new element and pages using it’s features and sources. The template is very fast loading. It’s pass google website s... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
Hi want to know when comes out for Wordpress i read somewhere it take 2 of 3month its al 9 months can you tell me when its comming out for Wordpress
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