Steix – Responsive Landing Page Template built with ReactJs and most popular front-end framework Bootstrap version 4.2.1. It would be perfect for an app product showcase, startups, personal websites, and even web agencies. You will be easily able to customize it for your needs. It looks beautiful with all sizes, be it a Monitors, laptop screen, iPad, iPhone, Android Mobile or tablets. It has everything you need to launch your site in a couple of hours! We created reusable react components, so you can build multiple apps with common components.Steix is suitable for anyone who is looking for an app, app landing, app template, app landing page, creative app landing page, app landing template, app store, App Showcase, app website, clean app lan... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Can I use this in my existing app? How easy would it be to import a particular home page into my app?
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