Rekord - Ajaxify Music - Events - Podcasts Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Reviews: 1 | Overal Rating: BadExcellect | |
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Rekord WordPress Theme based on bootstrap. Suitable for singer bands and event managers. It has modern flat look with line icons and multiple skins. Theme is fully Ajaxify which mean tracks will continue to play even you visit other pages. Here are some feature you may like: Fully Ajaxify Playlists Powered by WaveSurfer Bootstrap 4 Development \u0026amp; Productions Versions Ready Made Widgets Multiple Skins RTL Support Player Position Variations Fully Responsive And Much More Customisable Rekord is easy and customizable according to your needs. All post types are easily editable from admin panel. Documented Documentation for almost each component is explained with code example and variations inside demo. For in... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
On the Tracks page – I am using it for Live Radio and wanting to display the song history of the radio. How do I have it automatically display the Description tab instead of having to click on description tab to see this information?

Review Left On 04/22/2022
I’m interested purchasing this theme but it seems like there is no support and no one is answering questions..

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Man where is the support for this theme? I need some help and cannot get any response from you
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Review Left On 04/29/2022
I am wanting to purchase this theme but for $75.00 I want to make sure that when I purchase it all of the plugins available for this actually work. I see on the demo that there are deprecated errors.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi, I recently downloaded your Record theme from Envato. I really like the design but I cannot get the player to appear and play on my local files nor on the files that came with the download. It does work as a preview in Dreamweaver but nothing else. I am using the HTML version. Am I doing something wrong?

Review Left On 05/09/2022
this is some BS. A lot of the plugins do not work or I have to go download myself. This is not worth $75.00

Review Left On 05/14/2022
Fatal error in the installation of the Theme. It doesn’t work with Elementor. Broken theme, a solution NOW!

Review Left On 06/13/2022
Bonjour, le Plugin elementor marche pas quand je compte modifier la page d’accueil d’ayer il y avais deja un probleme Lors de l’installation de votre thème qui m’empêche de continuer le développement de mon site web, avec le plugin rekord-theme-essential qui est en erreur, celui-ci semble faire buggé complètement le thème, je ne peux donc rien faire.

Review Left On 09/15/2022

The theme is not 100% compatible with Elementor, especially if you use Elementor Pro. I was looking for a solution to use ajax theme functions with Elementor, and as the theme claimed that it is full ajax and it is built using Elemnotr, I took the step to get it, however the ajax works only with the part they built and will not work with other Elemnotr and Elemenotre pro elements and as a result I was unable to use it.

Review Left On 09/20/2022
Lors de l’installation de votre thème sur ma machine je rencontre un problème majeur qui m’empêche de continuer le développement de mon site web, en effet le plugin rekord-theme-essential est en erreur, celui-ci semble faire buggé complètement le thème, je ne peux donc rien faire.
Je trouve dommage de payer 70$ pour avoir un thème à moitié fonctionnel, si vous n’arrivez pas à me donner la solution, je serais dans l’obligation de demander un remboursement.