Medizco especially designed for Health, Medical, Hospitals, dental, skin care, dentist, Medical Businesses, Health care and Pharmacy services. Medizco HTML template has a beautiful and unique design that will be best suited for your online web presence. It is 100% responsive design and tested on all major handheld devices. The Template is also suitable for any health or beauty related skincare businesses like a medical laboratory, veterinary clinic, spa, gym, pharmacy or health care professionals like a dentist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, veterinarian, physiotherapist, psychiatrist or psychologist. Medizco Template is built with the world most Popular CSS Framework Bootstrap 4, html5, css3, jquery and many Modern Technology... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/23/2022
where is ?? ..
scroll-to-top scroll-to-target” data-target=”html” span class=”icon icon-chevron-up”
there is in the html, but in the browser you can’t see ..

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hi Xpeedstudio,
Thaks for creating html version for the design i requested, but it seems there are still url that doesn’t work / dead link in demo version, this is oke ? i want to buy this templates,

Review Left On 05/04/2022
hello, I need elementor template not html .. so i can setup on my theme ,, is that possible please?!
Ciao - Multipurpose Shopify Theme
Wokiee - Premium OpenCart Theme
Trail Bike WP - WordPress Mountain Biking Club Theme
Ain - Portfolio HTML5 Template
Resume / CV / Portfolio / vCard

Review Left On 07/19/2022
Good as they are, I have problems in responsive mode with the template in the menu section, I just bought it today, I leave a link

Review Left On 08/28/2022
Hi, I wanted to ask you, in the download folder I can’t find the php cash files, do you let me know? thank you

Review Left On 09/13/2022
Hola, intento insertar un vídeo desde youtube en el archivo “about.html” Linea 296 Div “Video Box” Remplace la url de youtube por varios vídeos disponibles pero no reproducen al dar clic en reproducir, sale un aviso de video no disponible o se queda la pantalla en negro donde debería salir el vídeo

Review Left On 10/03/2022
Hello, I’ve just purchased the template and can’t find the sass files, which supposed to be included. Thanks for your answer.