Review: Great design. Good documentation. Overall design quality and layers are great. Glad we purchased this site templet, it saved us literally hundreds of hours. Read More
Review: Code quality is poor. Clean (newly downloaded) template does not build without errors. Other templates have better architecture. I wanted to love it, but I can't use it without a ton of work! Read More
Review: Hi, I have a few questions: 1. How can I scale up my logo in the header? It’s very small right now.. 2. How can I remove all the social links in my header? There is always one social link I can’t remove… I don’t want any social link in my header. 3. How does the shortcodes work? I want to organize my content in the footer, but it’s not user friendly for someone who knows only the basics of building a website. Can you tell me what shortcodes I need to use when I want three blocks next to each ... Read More
Review: I am working on a site for a client that is using the ecopower theme. The TopTop button is white with white text for the arrow, resulting in just a white circle. I don’t see anywhere to adjust this. How to I fix it? Read More
Review: Hi Can you help me about use google maps at my website template or tell steps how can i do it by myself please. Thankyou Read More
Review: The Script is Brilliant and Easy to use.Thanks again for the 1st class 5***** Support & Reply's to my Prob. Read More
Review: There was no option for me to download to WordPress, furthermore, the theme seems to be incompatible with my PC. Maybe this is an oversite or lack of understanding on my part, but can't help feeling duped. Read More
Review: There are many words I would like to say about this. None are positive though, so I really can't say much. Read More
Review: Неадекватно работает визуал композер на этой теме. При том что наличие этого плагина было одной из причин, по которой я ее купил.Вы расширили функционал композера до того чтобы он работал на верстку страниц, но его задача работать только с контентной частью! В итоге получилась полная хуйня. Я могу все эти вопросы со своим программистом решить, но почему я должен тратить свое время и деньги решая проблемы, которых не должно быть? Read More